legality of "burying your guns"

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All this makes me think...

How deep must one burry a gun so that it cannot be detected by a commercial metal detector?
The key is a big jar of heavy grease, like my namesake. Separate the metal from wood parts and totally cover the metal ones in grease after a very complete cleaning. Then slather MORE grease on that, then seal in a heavy plastic bag so that there is nothing in there but grease and steel covered in grease. NO AIR!! Then put that in a second bag to cover any holes in the first bag and minimize any possible grease/air contact that will harden the grease. The metal can then go into whatever protective container you want and will be good for as long as the grease lasts--a very long time in theory. Bury it in a dry, well-drained area away from any major tree root systems. Record the GPS location and key landmarks in a secret place.
How deep must one burry a gun so that it cannot be detected by a commercial metal detector?
Several feet, at least.

But if they really REALLY want to go searching, you can't dig a hole deep enough to get away from ground penetrating radar.
I'm about to buy a little bit of property. Anyone wishing to cache their guns and ammo on my property is welcome to do so. Of course, people have been known to dig in the wrong spot and therefore never find the guns again. Pity. Of course, I'd be glad to sell you a rifle very similar to the one you buried. I bet I'd have just exactly what you're looking for. :p

If all you plan to do is bury your guns for the personal satisfaction of keeping the government from destroying them, it is a Pyrric victory IMHO. "They couldn't destroy my gun, but I can't use it either. I guess I showed them!"
It just sounds silly.

Personally, I would not waste the time or effort to bury long guns. Any guerrilla worth his turban knows that you bury handguns only, and then use them to take the long guns you need from the authorities. Until you have sufficient stocks of arms AND sufficient popular support to sustain open conflict, all operations must be conducted as a Phase 1 "shadow war" where weapon concealability is critical.

Taking weapons from the "enemy" simplifies the initial acquisition process, and you know that you will have standard ammo and equipment from government supplies.

The problem I have with the "bury my guns for the future revolution" concept is the lack of a defined signal, and/or leader, that will trigger everyone to dig up their guns and start the next revolution. As long as the FedGov provides adequate supplies of fast food, porn, and professional sports, no revolutionary movement will gain enough popular support to succeed. They will be labeled "terrorists" and shot on sight with many howls of approval from the masses.

Quit being silly! Fight the legal fight to protect your rights, and enjoy your guns.
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