Lets see your ammo stash!!

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GunnyUSMC: Oh No! Thanks to the photos, a totally secret govt. dept. (more unfamiliar than the British SBS) now has discovered that a regular contributor on a Gun Forum has ammo, and maybe a stash of guns! :eek:

The black helicopters will be dropping agents from the "Dept. of Area 51" into your backyard at 0400.
They would have more night-vision gear, but "somebody with wisdom" chose to ignore detailed CIA plans to leave a foreign country---

300 million (+) guns owned by Americans, but now only You and Old Dog stand out....😳
The days of show your gun collection and ammo stash are way over. I won't even show my TP stash
Not gonna go out in the garage and take a cell phone pic, but I'm pretty sure I've got a few hundred rolls of Cottonelle (you know, the fat rolls with the wavy paper)... To anyone coveting my stash, I have only one question: Do you feel lucky? Well, do ya?

I'm now imaging myriad criminal gangs perusing the internet for photos of stuff they'd like to steal, using their awesome cyber-tracking abilities to pin-point our residences...

(Just so you know, if you're reading this, my wife has a couple pallet loads of Virgil's Root Beer in the garage.)
In the last general election there were approx 82,000 000 registered voters that think there are too many guns in America.
Approx 470 mass shootings this year to date.
There is a war on A2 rights going on everyday, I don’t need to give anyone anymore fuel to throw on their tikkie torch’s.
Personally I live in a gun friendly state and figure it’s nobody’s business but here we are.
I know metal ammo cans are made to stack, but I really like these trays from MTM:

Way more sturdy when stacked. But heavy when moving three full cans at a time…
I know metal ammo cans are made to stack, but I really like these trays from MTM:
OUCH! I have quite a few ammo cans devoted to ammunition storage. I do not think that I could have picked up and moved 3 full .50cal cans, even when I was young and surprisingly strong.

I will periodically use some of those cans to apply pressure when I laminate plywood sheets (like, for workbench tops). The only reasonable way for me to carry one can is to carry two because they are so stinkin' heavy.
Just remember, if you fashion an easily fabricated cone shaped hat from aluminum foil, while they may be able to see your stash, you can at least prevent them from reading your thoughts.
Maybe it's a good time to have stock in tinfoil..............
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