Letter from John McCain

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Mar 24, 2006
Rhode Island
I recently wrote the Senator from Arizona to ask him his views on gun control were as I had heard many different opinions. I received his reply yesterday. Below is a copy of the letter he sent me.

Thank you for contacting me regarding gun control. I appreciate your concerns regarding this matter.

Congress, like the American people, continues to be divided on the issue of controlling firearms as a means of addressing the appalling level of violence which besets our nation. I do not believe, however, that the answers to these problems lie with gun control. We cannot resort to abridging law-abiding citizens' Constitutional rights in order to solve the tough problems that face our nation.

Criminals, by definition, have a patent disregard for the law. It would be dangerously naive to assume that they would abide by gun restrictions. Washinton, D.C., is an excellent case-in-point. The District has the strictest gun control laws in the nation, and yet holds one of the highest violent crime rates as well.

I will continue working to stop violent crime and those individuals who have or would abuse their Second Ammendment rights. While addressing these important concerns, rest assured that I will ensure that the rights of honest, law abiding citizens are not abridged.

Again, that you for contacting me. PLease do not hesitate to do so regarding this or any other matter of concern.

John McCain
United States Senator

I personally was pretty please with this letter, and I wanted to share it with all of you. Any opinions on it are more than welcome.
Compare what he is saying here to the way he has actually voted on gun control issues in the past.

Perhaps he is telling you what you want to hear. It'd be intresting to have friend write him a pro gun control letter and compare the responses.

I'll take bets he did not personally read and answer your letter.

Okay. Fine. Question: How did he vote on the Assault Weapons Ban? What did he say at the time of the Sunsetting of the AWB?

Face it: Cholly Schumer sez he luvs the 2nd Amendment...

Both sides of his mouth...

Ask the Brady Campaign. They don't want to abridge any rights. They just want to keep guns out of the hands of criminals.

Sounds good, huh?

Senator McCain has already voted against the American people and individual rights when he pushed the "Gag the NRA" act through congress. Somehow when he says,
We cannot resort to abridging law-abiding citizens' Constitutional rights in order to solve the tough problems that face our nation.
I suspect he's thinking two barreled shotguns of adequate length and single shot rifles are all that are protected.

What he says in that letter could be sent to a gun control advocate without ruffling too many feathers.

I respect Senator McCain for what he's done and what he's been through. I do not trust him making decisions for me. That's rather sad, but there it is.
Senator McCain doesn't mind you owning so-called assault eapons, but he was the primary sponsor on the bill to close the alleged gun show loophole.

Read the bill: it would require gun show promoters (like me) to file a report with the BATF of all gun "vendors," three days before the show. It would also require a follow-up report after the show to add or delete names.

Then read the definition of "vendor." A vendor is ANYONE who offers a firearm for sale or trade. NOT just table holders, but anyone who comes through the gate with a gun. Oh, what about the guy who buys a gun while inside, then sells it tos omeone else a few aisles later? He's a vendor to.

To avoid the criminal penalties in the bill, the gun show promoter would have to take the name and indentifying information of EVERYONE entering the show just to cover his butt.

And this wasn't something McCain just supported, he was the PRIME SPONSOR of the bill, along with Joe Lieberman.

Senator McCain should have retired from the Navy and faded into honored obscurity.
He's just telling you what you want to hear.

Compare it to his actual voting record and you will see he is full of crap.
He says he will close the 'gunshow loophole'. He is in favor of the AWB. He wants registration. He also sponsored the blatantly unconstitutional political speech abridgement law.

No thanks. If that is the best the Republicans have to offer in 2008 they may as well just bow down to hitlery now.
McCain has done enough to destroy the First and Second Amendment for one person. His position on illegal immigration is the hat trick. He has helped to destroy a significant piece of what was America.

His letter back to you is just plain garbage. It stands in opposition to everything he has actually done.
this guy has reqached the point he doesn't know what he's saying anymore.
He's just trying to find the path of least resistence to any issue.
Once I had hope for him.
Now I pity him.

Oh, I think you guys are giving McCain a bum rap here.

Compare him to George W. Bush, whom I am sure most of you voted for, and tell me exactly what the difference is between the two on the gun issue and other civil rights.
For one, W did not push for a renewal of the AWB, he let it die a quiet death, even though he politically postured on the subject saying he would sign the bill IF it came to his desk.
We need to write a letter asking the same question, but from an anti's POV, and see if weget the same response.
For one, W did not push for a renewal of the AWB, he let it die a quiet death

McCain didn't push for renewal of the AWB either; in fact he voted against it twice.

I can name one way they are different though, as Governor of Texas, Bush was offered a chance to "close the gunshow loophole" and passed on the opportunity. McCain has sponsored a bill to "close the gunshow loophole" in the Senate two or three times now. McCain also accepted $2 million from former HCI Board of Director Andrew McKelvey and starred in commercials for his gun control group.
What this tells me is that McCain knows he doesn't stand a chance @ the ovaltine orifice without the 2A crowd.

He's got too many strikes against him:

"He [Michael Graham] also mentioned my abridgement of First Amendment rights, i.e. talking about campaign finance reform....I know that money corrupts....I would rather have a clean government than one where quote First Amendment rights are being respected, that has become corrupt. If I had my choice, I’d rather have the clean government."

John McCain

Blatant disregard for 1A doesn't square with lip service to 2A.

Throw him back, we can do better.
After perusing the GunOwners of America page...

McCain will not help us, but he will tell us whatever we "want" to hear in order for him to get back on the ballot.

I would have been one of the fellows on the street in handcuffs had I resided in New Orleans during Katrina. It was nice to see that many of the troops were bothered by confiscating law abiding Americans firearms. However, I do suppose some of them refused and left.

I would not do this activity myself, marching orders be damned. I would likely be an underling with orders, but if I was directly in contact with law abiding citizens with firearms, I suspect I'd find a way for them to keep them by simply reporting to my leaders with something like, no firearms found sir. Sure, my career might be put on the line in the military, but I would not be party to the transition to JBT's which obviously the direction one of the videos made it quite clear we are approaching.

What's going to happen to society if the next big Cascadia earthquake comes and thrashes the western seaboard from roughly San Francisco all the way up to the Washington/Canada border? We are due for one, and it will be the biggest catastrophe on the planet for hundreds of years. Will I give up my guns then, probably not until I'm held at gunpoint by a Natl Guardsmen. A neighbor and I already have an impromptu plan, and the other neighbors are on good terms also, we would certainly band together.

Why no coverage of success stories of neighborhood militias forming to protect their properties? Liberal media will alarm us of gun confiscation, but the same liberal media won't show us success stories. I'm missing something here right? There were those stories weren't there?

Never Trust A RINO!!!!

I wouldn't trust McCain as far as I can throw my wife's antique grand piano. President Bush was my governer when we got the CHL bill passed in 1995 (or 96) in Texas. He is not a anti!!!!!:mad: McCain is a B. S. artist!!
Why he calls himself a republican is way beyond my understanding-that letter must have been written by his alien symbiot.
I love how some people hear say that you can't trust McCain,but then they lie about his voting record by saying that he pushed for the AWB renewal.

The truth is that McCain hasn't been anymore untrustworthy than many members here.
If youy voted for Bush,you really should have no problem voting for McCain.

Bush signed the CFR bill and said he would sign the AWB if it got to his desk.

McCain actually voted against the AWB twice,yet many here think there is some huge difference between Bush and McCain.
The fact is that they are both lukewarm on RKBA.
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