Letter to Editor: "These Gun Laws Would Make Us Safe"

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Dec 26, 2002
Richmond, Virginia
From this morning's Richmond Times-Dispatch. It will likely result in 5 or 6 letters telling him how wrong he is. John

These Gun Laws Would Make Us Safe

Editor, Times-Dispatch:

Speed kills; drugs kill. Guns also kill. When guns kill, someone pulls a trigger -- sometimes accidentally, other times intentionally.
Most folks dislike the notion of death -- especially unusual, unavoidable, and unnatural death. As guns are instrumental in bringing about a frightening number of unnatural deaths, most folks would agree that we need some measures to alleviate this kind of death.

Two measures effectively would eliminate the scourge of deaths caused by guns: (1) Get rid of guns, and (2) get rid of ammunition. There are other instruments that kill, of course. Rocks, knives, and sticks always will be available. We can't control those, but we can control guns.

We could get rid of guns through confiscation and destruction, and could make the manufacture of guns and ammunition illegal. Then we could maintain armories where hobbyists, collectors, and hunters would be required to store their arms under lock and key, to be used only through approved procedures and only if returned after use. All infractions would need to be punished rigorously. All transactions would be handled through government-operated venues.

If the above were accomplished, I would feel much better about the world we have made for our granchildren. Do I own a gun? No -- and I never will.

Allan Ross. richmond.
I volunteer to bash his head open with a brick, which he admits can't be banned. Bet the first bright idea in his head is to call for someone with a gun to stop me. :rolleyes:

Ask him how safe Jim Brady felt. There was a total handgun ban at the time he was turned into a drooling invalid by a deranged criminal. The Secret Service had a response time of 1.3 seconds too, far quicker than any of us peasants can expect.
All transactions would be handled through government-operated venues.

As Shakespeare said "Aye, there lies the rub."

How many bad guys does this clown think would ACTUALLY turn in their firearms if a Sen Finestein-style ban was passed {As in "Mr. & Mrs. America, turn 'em ALL in."}

Only a very small percentage, methinks. [<.0001%]
If the above were accomplished, I would feel much better about the world
And what really matters is how you feel, right?

There are utopias as he describes elsewhere in the world. I guess they're too busy singing Kumbiya to notice the genocide.
Instead of talking about killing the guy to make a point, why not write the paper saying what you would do. Whether it be keeping felons in prison, tougher penalties, etc.

The problem with these people? They legislate on what would make them feel safer. I would feel safer with a M2 mounted in my bedroom, but I am sure not legislating to make that happen. Why should they legislate to ban all guns?
El Tejon - it's spelled: "...whoa-oa-oa..." Nevermind - I'm not a good singer anyway. :p

It always amazes me how people absolutely ignore reality - GB should be a clue to these folks. Thier fantasy solutions WILL NOT work. :rolleyes:
To quote George Burns from "The Sunshine Boys": PUTZ!

I honestly don't know whether to be angry with, or feel sorry for, blissninnies like this idiot. Does he really think that someone who would disregard thousands of years of morality and laws in every city-state, nation, empire, etc. against murder, would obey a law against owning guns? Does he think that Genghis Khan slaughtered millions with AK-47s? How does he propose to get all of the guns out of the hands of existing owners (and would he volunteer to do it himself)?

This is an utter moron who hasn't thought past the end of his nose. Feelings and emotions govern him, not rational thought applied to a base of factual information.

If I had the time and I lived in his area, I'd write a letter detailing how very wrong he is - and I'd suggest that someone write a letter that is fact-filled and dispassionate, not threatening in any way.
I would feel safer with a M2 mounted in my bedroom,

How are you gonna keep your wife's unmentionables from jamming up the cocking lever? Although, the camouflage might get interesting.

Do I own a gun? No -- and I never will.

And he shouldn't. People with this loose a grip on reality should be kept away from all sharp, heavy, hot or otherwise dangerous objects.
Actually, it could be done. We could have a non-violent society. Japan was pretty peaceful in the old days as long as you were not a Samurai. Of course if they felt like cutting your head off to test their swords they went ahead and obeyed their inner voices. In our up and coming surviellance society, with our wonderful drugs and institutions, very soon it will not be hard to watch everyone for any violent tendencies. If a person exhibits violent behavior, then a series of changes will occur in that persons life as long as those behaviors are observed. As for guns, they are on the way out. Enjoy them while you can. The next generation is too busy showing their asses, getting tatoos and earings to care about their freedoms.
You shouldn't own a gun because I say so.

Sounds like a another graduate of the Feinstein School of Democracy and Personal Liberty.

Do I own a gun? No

There should be a Law :D
Rocks, knives, and sticks always will be available. We can't control those, but we can control guns.

The fantasy that they can actually control guns is part of the problem. They have this idea that guns and ammo are hard to manufacture.

Assuming it happens and all guns are actually gone from the world, would you feel safe walking the streets at night? What will the police use to control criminal gangs? Crime would skyrocket since the average person today could not defend themselves against a group of gang members if Colt is no longer around to make them equal.
I am sorry. I am so very sorry. The Times-Disgrace is published where I live, and I did not do anything to prevent this :cuss: from being published.

Anyone wanting to have a hard-copy message dumped on the desk of the editor can PM me and I will hand-deliver as many sack as it takes.

The Times-Disgrace also has an Ombudsman - a person who looks at the "rightness" or "wrongness" of what the paper does and responds to reader correspondence in a once-a-month (or so) column. As soon as I finish my Letter to the Editor I am going to contact the Ombudsman to discuss the assanineness of publishing this piece of :cuss: .

stay safe.

Actually, it could be done. We could have a non-violent society. Japan was pretty peaceful in the old days as long as you were not a Samurai.

But the Japanese did not know how to make firearms. Anyone with some basic machining experience could crank out crude firearms, and anyone with basic chemestry knowledge could make the gunpowder.

Stens were partly designed to be made out of scrap pipe, Liberator pistols were a very crude weapon, requiring disassembly to reload. They could be made in large numbers at very low cost and tooling.

My friend is a freshman in Chem Engineering. He has already figured out how to make blackpowder.

I can take scrap lead and metal to make bullets.

It would not be hard at all to start putting out blackpowder guns.
Firearms combat was part of a Samurai's training once they became fairly common.


After the matchlock rifle was introduced from Europe, samurai started practicing this weapon. It became the favorite weapon of some samurai for sniping on the battle field as samurai were awarded for every enemy he took down himself, though commanding was an important aspect of samurai. Conscripted soldiers also used matchlock rifles but instead fired in volleys to break up enemy ranks. Toward the end of the feudal period, some samurai organized dragoons as part of their troops and some were reportedly used in the Battle of Sekigahara and later battles.

They just liked the katana more.
Evil resides in the hearts of men, not inert mechanical devices.

Inert mechanical devices merely serve to make us more effecient at evil. That being said, a rock, stick, rope or other device has often proven lethal. Heck, Mad Dog 20/20 kills a lot of folks...

Why don't we just ban living? :rolleyes:
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