license to murder .com, prepare to barf!

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May 8, 2003
Reno, Nevada
a preview of the coming dictatorship of shrillary?

Freedom States Alliance
PO Box 618363
Chicago, Illinois 60661
United States

Registered through:, Inc. (
Created on: 13-Dec-05
Expires on: 13-Dec-06
Last Updated on: 15-Jan-06

Administrative Contact:
Karlin, Mark [email protected]
Freedom States Alliance
PO Box 618363
Chicago, Illinois 60661
United States
(312) 575-0493

Technical Contact:
Karlin, Mark [email protected]
Freedom States Alliance
PO Box 618363
Chicago, Illinois 60661
United States
(312) 575-0493

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Current Registrar: GO DADDY SOFTWARE, INC.
IP Address: (ARIN & RIPE IP search)
Record Type: Domain Name
Server Type: Apache 2
Web Site Status: Active
DMOZ no listings
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Secure: No
E-commerce: No
Traffic Ranking: 5
Data as of: 14-Jun-2005
It's funded by the Joyce Foundation. From the 2005 Joyce Foundation annual report (
Mark Karlin & Associates
Chicago, IL $650,000
To support the continued efforts of its
Freedom States Alliance, a project to
promote financial self-sufficiency and
effective media, public, and policy-maker
education efforts among gun violence
prevention groups, especially those in
Illinois and Wisconsin. (18 mos.)

See also:
You somehow think McCain or Giuliani would be better on this issue than Hillary?

Or NYC's "Blooming Idiot Bloomberg", or MA's Romney, who hasn't made a single peep about his state's fascist no-self-defense-AT-ALL laws. Women can't even have pepperspray to defend themselves from MBTA rapists without a Class B Restricted LTC and proof of need. He's not said a word.

Anti-2A politicians come in all flavors, but they're all rotten at the core.

Oh, yeah, there's also that "Gun Guys" site, with its western font that looks like a firearms enthusiast site at first, but it's a made-up-statistics Bradyite site. It's really a shame they managed to get that domain name to use for an anti site. :barf:
Typical hysteria mongering. A matter of severe definition deficiency, to be sure:
Murder: The unlawful killing of one human by another, especially with premeditated malice. -- American Heritage Dictionary
Self-Defense: The act of defending one's person when physically attacked, as by countering blows or overcoming an assailant. -- American Heritage Dictionary
All such laws that I've seen specifically restrict legitimate use of lethal force to situations of self-defense only. All others are murder. That's as it should be.
It looks like this Freedom States Alliance group is creating all sorts of lie sites, including Gun Guys, 50 Caliber Terror (snort), and others.

Can anyone find out who their principal organizer is? They REALLY need to be discredited and/or outed with some sort of scandal. This sort of lying to the American people is downright dangerous to freedom, and legal means need to be found to stop it.
Manedwolf, just a clarification... don't need an LTC for pepperspray, just and FID. Not saying I agree at all.
Manedwolf, just a clarification... don't need an LTC for pepperspray, just and FID. Not saying I agree at all.

You do if you live in a neighboring state. Only an MA resident can get the FID. A nonresident has to get the full $100 LTC with proof of need.

Even if they commute to work there, as many do. I just stopped going into MA, period. Too dangerous for law-abiding citizens.
I added a small piece on this site to my (admittedly cr*p) blog.

I'm surprised that people like this can get away with such deception.
After a quick read, I noticed two things-

they link in to (already identified as anti-gun)

and they list California with a status of "Murder still illegal"

I though California had a strong castle doctrine? By the time I am done researching all the gun laws here, I may just go take the bar exam.....

Bill in SD
lone gunny

You somehow think McCain or Giuliani would be better on this issue than Hillary?

Sir, if you do a search of my name and mcclib & ghoulianni, you'll see that
I feel that quite probably mclib and ghoulianni will be worse then the dictatatorship of shrillary (as far as gun grabbing goes)

However a debate on their merits is a little off topic.
Suffice it to say I loathe and despise gungrabbing RINO'S....

These Joyceans are an insidious subliminal vermin thats begging to be eradicated:fire:
:cuss:-heads who put together websites and think this way are just using up valuable oxygen on this planet.

If some scumbag is breaking in and is shot by the Lord of the Manor, what the :cuss: do these :cuss: :cuss: care?
That site is jam packed with lies. Tons of anti-gun rhetoric.

I'm glad that the anti's are on the DEFENSIVE rather than on the OFFENSIVE. Let them whine and cry while we shove these laws of liberty right down their disease infested throats.

On the other hand, sites like these will succeed at misinforming and brainwashing a lot of people, especially colllege age and younger. You'd be surprised how teens are so impressionable and suck up these leftist politics. They do this by relating the NRA to the "establishment" and evil corporations and other mythical power-hungry cabals with the intention to suppress and enslave the common man with ignorance and by violence. Rather than be kids, they get too involved in this nonsense. This is because the antis have infested our educational system, and like the sick predators that they are, they go after the youth. I guess they are a form of non-sexual pedophiles if you think about it.

If you don't think this is targeted at the 22 and under group - think again. Look at the way it is written. Look at the way it pitches the arguments. This isn't meant to convince a man in his 50's. The design is also catered for youth...
On the site, there is a link to this article...

The site says of the article:
(house’s owner) claims he felt threatened for his life (apparently the unarmed 17-year-old girls were very scary). License to Murder would have let him off the hook completely.

Is that true? I can't imagine the Castle Doctrine actually lets you fire into a passing vehicles.
Is that true? I can't imagine the Castle Doctrine actually lets you fire into a passing vehicles.

No, it's total bovine excrement, the guy who shot the girl is sittingin jail where he belongs.

the website and just about all the other websites are strawman, they're all owned by the same org....
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