List your state

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Iowa.....better than some, not as good as others....guess we're somewhere in the middle.
Nice to know where "here" is.

Northeast Tennessee here, very close to NC and VA. I am a native of California, and have also lived in NV and AZ. TN is a "shall issue" CCW (called a HCP, for Handgun Carry Permit) and Class III/NFA state.
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List your state
Everyone should have a state listed on profile so that we know how your state laws are---nyc---strict

You, my friend, are the only one not complying with your own request. That seems strangely odd.

I think what the OP is asking is if folks would update their profiles to reflect their location....>Hatterasguy<

I agree, it is very hard to answer some questions when we have no idea where you are located
Maine guy here.

Direct quote from our state's constitution: "Every citizen has a right to keep and bear arms and this right shall never be questioned."

Shall issue, open carry without a permit, no 4473 form with sales among private citizens, no dumb waiting periods or one gun per month restrictions.

The Brady bunch grades us 11 out of 100, so there's some work to be done, but no complaints.
Posting your state in this thread does very little. I actually think it would be better to require your state to be entered when creating a new thread in legal.
North Carolina - moderate, but strict compared to neighboring states.
I wish duty to retreat would be eliminated from our castle doctrine. I
also want to see a 50% rule for restaurants that serve alcohol. We can
not carry in establishments that serve alcohol.
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