Lists of stores that don't like CCW

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if there were a fairly complete and current listing of places in a city where the proprietors have posted compliant signage, and one such place were later subject to a gun-related crime, i wonder how long it'd take for the proprietor to sue the website operator for aiding and abetting.
Pfft, I don't think there'd be much standing.

It's not like we're talking about private information here. Anyone walking by can see these signs. I could unfortunately see it happening in someplace like CA, MA, or NY, though.

This is why, if I ever see such a sign (and I haven't yet, thankfully) I intend to talk to the highest person I can and ask them what they think they're accomplishing, and let them know that I won't be shopping in a victim-disarmament zone.
This thread was started as more of a curiousity. I do agree with concealed is concealed. I also know that anything can and will happen. I also don't want any fuss because of them not talking to me (if the gun shows... possibly too afraid of said gun) and instead calling police and having to deal with the cops.

I know i'm in the legal right but then again i don't want everyone and their neighbor seeing me with cops at the mall. (local one has remote department inside) I know i'm legally ok as long as keeping out of alcohol serving restaurants, post offices, civil service facilities, and others...
I don't think most of these stores are actually active "anti-gun". I believe it's more a reaction to perceived liabilities. If something were to happen, they can point to the sign and say "see, we have a policy, we can't be sued!" It's all lawyers and insurance companies.

I also adhere to the keep concealed approach and ignore signs, unless your state has legal signs to prohibit, then I might think twice.
carnaby, I don't know if they have a sign posted, but Columbia Mall in Kennewick, WA, prohibits CCW. The committee of one of our local ranges sent them a letter inquiring about it and they posted the mall's response at the firing line. Meant a few less shoppers at the mall this Christmas, I imagine (myself included).

You probably won't need it, but just in cast keep it concealed!. If the girl sees a bump in your pocket, tell her it's because she's cute.
If the girl sees a bump in your pocket, tell here it's because she's cute.
You want me killed. I'm not a "cute" guy. I can't get away with stuff like that. I am at times the ragged guy buying a cart full of sporting goods. Last couple of times I've been shopping, I am asked questioned about guns. I guess people look at me at times and see a mountain man.

Did i mention in any posts i'm trying to grow out a handle bar mustache?
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