Little bit of paranoia for the day

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Its not paranoia,its common sense that folks that type threats and how to convert guns or anything else that could be considered as going over the top,be asking for trouble.The alphabet boys and girls have "off work" hobbies too.Why wouldnt they be members of a respected gun forumn?

Entering your IP address into a program like this will allow them to find you physically (although that doesn't always work ... my IP address says I'm in Atlanta Georgia when I'm in Colorado Springs).

you can believe that an agency found out where you really are within minutes of your post. Every gun forum and polical forum has people reporting to the government in the name of homeland security. volunteers with nothing to except to watch you and I and save us from ourselves.
Strings, you can even be a hermit in a shack in the ass end of Montana with no electricity and be found if the government is serious enough about it. Consider the Unabomber. Of course, human beings being what they are you can weaponize anthrax and mail it to a bunch of prominent media and liberal Congresspeople and get away with it for years.
Of course the governnment is monitoring this website. And it monitors thousands of others on a daily basis. If you think your paranoid for asking this question you can believe that people exist in Washington who are even more paranoid about what we say on these sites.
Colt46 said:
California DOJ Regularly monitors the forums at
They want to know who has Off List Lowers that they so incompetantly forgot to list for the last five years or so.

We know this for a fact, Ca NRA has obtained emails from an Asst. AG referencing and linking to threads on Calguns.
Let 'em look, maybe they'll learn something about the law! We keep it legal and above board so we have nothing to fear.
Who cares? Of course all gun forums are looked at. Unless you are a moron what is your worry?

Want to feed your paranoia? Whats with all the show me pics of your guns, safes ,arsenals and such? Kiddies or .gov?:what: :what:
Scary Molonlabe,

It seems I share an internet name with someone who visits "" and a dating service. In view of the number of times I have had possible log-on names for various websites rejected as duplicates I suppose I should expect this.

Probably won't be missed but wait for S503 to disappear.
hammer4nc++ :)

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My concern was especially with respect to those of us who list our toys at the ends of our posts.

The thing I worry about is NICS. The info received by NICS is supposed to be purged/deleted from their system after 24 hours... do yall think this actually happens? I wouldnt be surprised if this was just a cover story for some sort of a national gun registration database.
We at the BATFE regret to inform you that a tragic and fatal accident has befallen Mr. Grant48. The terrible accident in which he perished has also obliterated any traces of his body. It would, perhaps, be for the best if he were forgotten. At least until we reprogram him and reintroduce him into society as a more cooperative citizen.

No, gullible ones, I am not an agent of the BATFE, and the above is entirely fictional.
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