Longshot, but does anyone know where to go hunting for hog near Austin Texas?

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Jun 12, 2007
Juneau, Alaska
I would love some advice on where to go. I dont know anyone personally that hunts. I have checked the hunting mentor thread but noone in my area is registered. I come from an anti gun family and recently got into hunting and fishing (about 3 years ago. I'm 23 now)

Just wondering if theres someone that could take me under their wing and show me a thing or two. In return maybe I can help them out around the house or turning a wrench. I like to work on cars and bikes.

thanks for your time.
If you wander in to McBrides's, ask for Jay McB or for Gerry Owen. Tell 'em I said to give you an assist. Gerry's a part-timer there.

Lots of hogs in the Guadalupe River bottoms down in DeWitt County, I know. About a two hour drive down to Cuero. I've lost touch with folks down there, but driving up to a rancher's and asking is one way.

Too many Yuppies in the Hill Country, seems like. It's all carved up and full of Nervous Nellies.

Maybe out around Lockhart? You might try asking at a seed'n'feed store in a small town...

Me, I wouldn't figure on a direct invite to go hunt, not the first time to meet some rancher. Not saying it wouldn't happen, but I wouldn't plan on it. Mostly, just get acquainted. Today's world, a lot of folks get nervous about the competency of city folks out in the woods.
Anymore, landowners have learned that pigs = money. Good luck on the quest, but most want dollars and it's getting more and more expensive. I can't blame anyone for that. You got taxes to pay and cows to maintain, any source of income is welcome and leasing or day leasing controls who's out there hunting. Why let people hunt for free when you can make money off it?
i hunted around marble falls and always saw several per trip. if you are in austin go down to the game warden home office, i think i saw it on the south east side of town off highway 71, anyhow the game wardens could have names of farmers that wanted hogs hunted. texas used to have a permit that would let you hunt certain enrolled properties. good gun store in marble falls.
I've heard there are two kinds of counties in texas....the counties that have 'em, and the ones that will soon. Ask around locally, i'm sure you could find a land owner that would love for you to get rid of some.
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