Looking for anti assault weapon ban video

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Aug 31, 2005
Okay, here or somewhere else (but I am pretty sure here) I came across a link to a video of an older guy probably set in the early 90s discussing the fallacy of refering to assault weapons as 'high power' and then held up a 7.62x39 round and shot a pumpkin/watermelon, and then held up a 30-30, did the same thing, and then did it with a .243 and a 30-06. Of course the 7.62x39 made a nice big hole, and the other 3 obliterated the pumpkin (the 30-30 must have been using a point that provided good expansion)

I am looking for that video, can anyone point me in the right direction?

Note #1, this is NOT the video of the police officer in a polo shirt showing the difference between semiauto and full auto using rifles of the AK family.

Note #2, it may be fun to simply post "look at this cool video" and then a link, but including info on what the video is makes searching for it possible later on. If you are really really desiring it to be a suprise, then write your description and use the big A tool to change the color of the font to white
Can you see this?
Highlight above to see what I mean
that can still be found by a search engine
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