Looking for Llama grips

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Sep 21, 2009
I have a Llama Super Comanche .44 mag. with origimal wooden grips.I want to replace them with rubber grips but can't find any listing for this particular
firearm.Can anyone help me ?
Also does anyone have any info on this gun ?
I bought it from my son-in-law a few weeks ago for $130.00.(He is out of work right now).Just wondering how good of a gun it is.
Any info would be appreciated.
Check Gunbroker, they have them. The one Llama I have, a mini 1911 is a great little pistol. From what I have read, QC can be hit or miss, quality of materials is first rate. The Comanche is a S&W clone so it's a proven design. The price seems about right.

This ESpecial X-A is the only Llama I have handled. A 32acp, it fits in your pocket.
just read recently in one of my old gun mags of a comanche .357 put through its paces,they said it was a fine revolver for whatever tripped your trigger,ive seen them they never stayed in the gun shelf long.
I've got a Super Comanche in 44MAG, it was the 8 3/4 barrel but got it chopped. Looks like a scaled up S&W Model 28 now ;) As for how good it is, I'm not letting it go anytime soon. It's tight and accurate, no complaints here. Good luck finding a rubber grip, the closest thing would be a set of grips for a S&W Square Butt N-Frame but it would still require some work to fit (if it works at all). Enjoy the Llama :D
I have a LLama Comanche III .357 ..... as far as holsters, speedloaders and other accessories are concerned ...... anything that fits a S&W model 19 works ..... with the exception of grips ......... I cannot find rubber replacement grips ....... If you find some for your super comanche, please post in this thread where you found them.
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