Looser gun laws a dangerous precedent

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Well, peaceable latin american visitors should never even experience Stand Your Ground. As a matter of fact, if they pretend to be Americans, they might be completely left alone by Florida's violent felons.

The only people at risk from Stand Your Ground are people who want to commit violent crimes. Stand Your Ground is a law that only applies to people who shoot someone and then stick around to talk to the police, a mode of behavior typically not associated with the guilty-minded or habitual criminals.

Stand Your Ground does nothing to legitimize the more typical criminal scenario of someone committing a violent crime and then running away to avoid the police. Someone who stabs me and takes my wallet isnt going to stand around and claim that I threatened him and that he had no choice but to chase me, stab me and take my cash. As stupid as the cops can sometimes be, they have pretty reliable bull???? detectors, especially the guys on the street doing the actual work.
OK, somebody tell me which statement makes more sense:

The underlying belief is that gun-toting U.S. citizens suddenly won't turn into killers because of this law.
The underlying belief behind gun control is that if law abiding U.S. citizens are allowed to carry guns they will suddenly turn into killers

She sounds like one of the "journalists" who writes for my school (college) newspaper.
Sounds to me that she is pointing out that in the U.S. we can control ourselves with firearms, but that Latinos are murdering sociopaths. They have no self-control, put a gun in their hands and they start killing. I guess that is the difference in cultures of third world countries with thieving corrupt govt officials and the republic we call home. Similar to the difference in Chicago and Oklahoma City and the people who live there.
I'm confused. If you take away her opinion in the first and last paragraph. The rest of the article seems like proof of both ccw laws and the second amendment in genral. I wonder if she even read her own article. :scrutiny:
I like how her examples do a handy job of showing an direct relationship between strict gun controll and high crime. Especially since they are preceeded by a statment making the opposite conclusion.

Just for fun here is an amusing outline of her article that contains ONLY statements that are directly quoted from the article. This is placed into a fun little format that shows how she is actually inadvertantly provided a point-counterpoint against her own conclusion.

-it is hard for Latin Americans to wrap their minds around the general notion that liberalizing the use of weapons increases personal safety.

--In polls across the region, personal safety and the protection of one's property are among Latin Americans' top concerns today.

--The most restrictive is Brazil, which adopted in December 2003 a so-called disarmament statute, a sweeping gun law that bans the carrying of firearms by civilians.

--Brazil heads the world's list for the most people killed by firearms.

-- But unlike the United States, where 38 states now have laws permitting concealed weapons, Latin American governments are heading in a different direction.

--in fact, small arms are widely available on the black market, and there are more small-arms fatalities south of the U.S. border than in any other region of the world.

The only conclusion that i can draw from this article is that the author has very little respect for the logical reasoning ability of Latin Americans.

If i turned this peice of garbage into my former composition instructor he would send it back and tell me to learn how to support an argument and to learn how to avoid outragious generalizations. My highschool teachers might have been generous enough to give me a sympathy "c".
The most restrictive is Brazil, which adopted in December 2003 a so-called disarmament statute, a sweeping gun law that bans the carrying of firearms by civilians. The country is planning for a nationwide referendum in October to ban private firearm ownership altogether.

Strange coincidence that they just elected a communist government.
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