Lou Dobbs on our side

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Jun 17, 2007
You know I've never really paid too much attention to Lou Dobbs, but last night we were eating at a place where they have TVs in every corner, and Lou was talking about how a student's professor called the police after he gave a report as to why concealed carry should be allowed on campus. The police allegedly took the student into custody, questioned him and released him. For some reason I can't find anything on this story.

But I was surprised to hear Lou support the student and 2A rights, and the speaker he had on this segment was also a supporter, and Lou agreed with everything he said. Here's another story Lou did about 2A right infringement:


So it turns out we do have a pretty prominent voice in the media, so anytime we can throw support his way we should. It's not much but it's something.
Thanks CoRoMo.

I wouldn't call him prominent and I wouldn't say that we have him. It's not in his blood. Lou has evolved over time to be pro-2A, and I figure he can evolve out of it as well since he began as an anti.

Did not realize that - good to know.
Most TV personalities are opertunist that will take a stand when it makes them money to do so. I doubt you could trust one in a million when it comes to our gun rights

CoRoMo said:
I wouldn't call him prominent and I wouldn't say that we have him. It's not in his blood. Lou has evolved over time to be pro-2A, and I figure he can evolve out of it as well since he began as an anti.

Lou Dobbs is an unapologetic pro-2A advocate. The fact that he started off as anti is actually better. He's a logical man and likely has thought about the gun issues from all angles.

Many other people are pro-gun because they were born into pro-gun families. That doesn't automatically make them thoughtful and articulate about Second Amendment issues. Great, you were born and now you're here. What else have you done? Some people I know who were born into pro-gun families are gun owners, but aren't pro-2A. They think that they're fit to own guns, but not others. These people are no better than pure antis.

When I think about the type of person that I'd want to be talking to Congress, I want someone who has wrestled with and stressed over the various issues. A converted pro-gun person knows the anti-gun mindset. That person is more likely to be able to articulate effective counterarguments.
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The naysayers are right, nobody EVER learns or Changes. To hell with Lou Dobbs, telling all those millions of people every night they are after our guns and the 2A means what it says. It's all a trick, he is going to fire millions up over the next several yeaars and talk up being pro gun and then go "Nyah Nyah Nyah, suckers I really hate guns!"
I bet that's it!
Whoooh, I almost got taken in, thanks naysayers of the Highroad....
I think a lot of media folks have had a change of heart, starting with 911 I started to hear guys like Dennis Miller start to change his tune. Now with the most dangerous administration and legislature in history running the show we are starting to see signs of life from the state governments, media, and even some of those in Hollywood. Keep an eye out and within a yr. there will be a total lack of confidence in the Federal gov and a yr later a cleaning of DC.
If not then we will all be in chains and FEMA work camps.:(
Huh? I beg to differ. He is prominent, and we definitely have him. This is not the first time he speaks in favor of Second amendment and gun ownership. You should start watching Lou Dobbs more.

Good for you. Call him prominent and consider him yours.

But... I wouldn't call him prominent and I wouldn't say that we have him. I think you interpreted my post to mean that he isn't genuine in his beliefs or that we shouldn't enjoy his commentary backing our positions. Inaccurate assumptions. And I've seen enough of him and the videos floating around the internet... oops I guess I just called him prominent. Doh! :neener:
Thanks for the link camacho - I have to say that listening to some of the other pieces on the you tube link, whether he began life as an anti doesn't really bother me - because he certainly portrays himself as someone who is passionate about the issue of 2A rights - and with the dems having the majority of the power in washington and CNN typically not a gun friendly network, I have a hard time seeing this as a bandwagon situation.

And I like what jake had to say - here's someone who has listened to the argument and changed his stance - and we should blast him for that? Because if that's the case, we should just stop the fight now because why try to convert people if we are just going to keep ridiculing them once they've changed their minds.

Like I said originally, it's great to see a nationally syndicated newscaster support the 2A, because there are so few that do, especially with Lou's fervor.
I agree that people who started off anti-gun and are no pro-gun/pro-2A are the better ones to have in the public eye.

I was born to an anti-gun household and I am now pro-2A (and the other 9 as well) and I think that when it comes to swaying others my past gives me an "edge" over someone who has just always been pro-gun.

Lou Dobbs is actually very much for limited government, pro-rights, etc. Especially in recent years. I would often catch him on my way home from work on CNN radio and I like his position. He comes off very much like a libertarian which I like.

I think "we" do "have" him and I think he's a better ally because of his being on CNN (which is typically liberal) and because of his past stance on 2A rights.
Thanks for the link camacho - I have to say that listening to some of the other pieces on the you tube link, whether he began life as an anti doesn't really bother me - because he certainly portrays himself as someone who is passionate about the issue of 2A rights - and with the dems having the majority of the power in washington and CNN typically not a gun friendly network, I have a hard time seeing this as a bandwagon situation.

And I like what jake had to say - here's someone who has listened to the argument and changed his stance - and we should blast him for that? Because if that's the case, we should just stop the fight now because why try to convert people if we are just going to keep ridiculing them once they've changed their minds.

Like I said originally, it's great to see a nationally syndicated newscaster support the 2A, because there are so few that do, especially with Lou's fervor.

Well put Skwab! This whole notion that he was anti, and once anti always an anti is as childish as they come. Thinking people learn and change when they go through life, and we should respect and applaud it, especially when it comes to causes dear to us. Heck, Reagan started as a Democrat but turned out to be one of the greatest conservative Presidents.
What you don't think the three stooges Olberman, Maddow, Mathewes will be showing up for classes at Gun Site.:D Yea I kinda agree I guess I should have put one of these on that post:rolleyes::scrutiny::banghead:
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