M-1s for Disabled Veterans, your Donation needed!

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Dec 3, 2005
Bel Air, Maryland
My Friends, Fellow Patriots,
Have you thanked a Veteran lately?


Coordinated by Drmsparks
Text by Drmsparks

M-1s for Vets is a program that presents refurbished M-1 Garand rifles to veterans wounded in Iraq and Afghanistan and provides them with opportunities to participate in shooting events and competitions. As of the beginning of May 2008, 125 rifles have been given away. The program takes these veterans out to shoot at local matches, the Eastern Games at Camp Butner, and for several years has sent a team of these veterans to Camp Perry for the National Championships (covering their entry fees, lodging, and incidentals).

At the CMP Eastern Games I had the opportunity to meet JJ O’Shea, founder of M-1s for Vets and interact with some of the soldiers who had received donated rifles in the past and attend one of the rifle presentations. The joy in that soldier’s face was indescribable and the pride in his voice as he described exactly how much the presentation meant to him was unforgettable.

The following is an M-1s for Vets flier that contains a more detailed description of what they have been doing and pictures of some of their events.

The rifles used in the presentation are rack grade M-1s, purchased with donations, restocked, rebuilt and re-barreled by armorers who donate their time- with parts donated by manufacturers and collectors alike.

I’d like to raise enough money through MDShooters for JJ to purchase a presentation rifle and help defray the costs of sending his team to Camp Perry this year. It typically costs $500 to send a man to Camp Perry for four days and $500 for each presentation rifle.

The rifle will be presented to a veteran on behalf of Maryland Shooters.

Any funds raised in excess of actual expenses are used for additional presentation rifles.

Personally, I don’t think there is a better way to thank these guys for their service and the sacrifices they have made!

More information can be found here: http://www.geocities.com/m1forvets/home.html

The fund drive will be open from now till D-Day!

Thank you for your support!

Sounds like a way for someone with some marginal at best military credentials to score a free M1 from a group of well meaning, but possibly naive folks.
"to veterans wounded in Iraq and Afghanistan"

Wouldn't consider that a "marginal" military credential.

Sounds like a way for someone with some marginal at best military credentials to score a free M1 from a group of well meaning, but possibly naive folks.

I don't see how military members who were injured fighting in Iraq and Afghanistan against an enemy who would like nothing more than to see American citizens dead should be considered to have "marginal military credentials". These guys are heroes, and whether or not some people agree with the war, the fact of the matter is that they are preventing the extremists from taking the war to the US. To debase their sacrifice is despicable.
As a Soldier currently in Iraq, I fully support what we are doing but also know too well the cost of the war. Many of my brothers and sisters pay a huge price so we can chit-chat on this guns enthusiast internet site.

And I definately support firearms ownership.

Where do I send my check?
Having done some time in Iraq myself, I never saw a soldier leave the area wounded that didn't deserve at the very least a nice rifle and some show of appreciation from what appears to me to be a great orginization. Perhaps some persons would prefer if we gave ergonomic keyboards to persons suffering from carpal tunnel syndrome sustained by typing about the war instead of the persons actively participating in it?
Me thinks Fu-man Shoe should put on some boots and take a trip to the sand box,...or at the very least go to Walter Reed,...to meet some of these "marginally credentialed" wounded warriors.

SGM, USA, Ret.
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