Magnumitis and hunters.

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It's the 'need' factor that I have a problem with, yeah.

Look, if you shoot/hunt with big magnums, fine. I can tell pretty quick which sort of person you are. If you've spent the time to become familiar with the rifle/load/big handgun/whatever, if you actually spend time shooting it regularly and are consistent with it, then you aren't sitting around telling everyone within earshot about how much you need it. You're at the range, smiling, putting lead on target.
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Sending a trusting newbie out with a Magno-blaster is a huge disservice to the shooter, to the game, to the sport and to all the rest of us.
Anyone that irresponsible and/or stupid should be barred from hunting.... after they are horsewhipped.

I would suggest that there are few "newbies" who without practice and proper form who can shoot even your beloved .243 well. Learning proper form and technique are a must to shoot properly.
I just switched to Direct TV, so now I have the Versus channel which has quite a bit of hunting on it. I rarely ever watch TV, so after watching a few minutes of it here and there, I'm already borderline disgusted.

Some examples:

(In a discussion after a successful deer hunt in deep South Texas): "Jim Bob, it takes a big rifle shooting big bullets to take down these big South Texas bucks!!!...." I nearly spewed my whiskey and Coke on the TV screen after that one. A perfect example of the roots of Magnum-itis.

"Hey! Super nice shot on that buck." (CLEARLY gut shot)

(whispering as they watch a really nice buck in eastern Montana):".....yeah...that's a nice one alright....probably 150 class buck (does anyone else want to upchuck everytime the " ### class" phrase?), but I'm looking for something just a liiiiitle bit bigger...."

Quail hunters having to kick the birds to get them to flush.

An arrow sunk deep in the flank of a bull elk.

I'm afraid television may to more harm to hunting than good.
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