Man, I've gotta get in shape, now!

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I live in the Hill Country of Texas. I have seen and taken a couple of axis. Never seen a bull elk anywhere other than TV, I would love the chance to hunt one, but I'd settle just to see one in real life (at a respectable distance of course). Your preacher sounds like a good man. Good luck and Godspeed to your recovery foremost and to your hunt.
I was southbound on US 67, about halfway between Fort Stockton and Alpine one afternoon. Greasewood flats. Maybe 50 acres per cow. Buzzards carry rations when flying over that country.

A couple of miles ahead I saw a horse in the borrow ditch. At about a mile its proportions looked wrong; legs too long. Got closer: Young bull elk. Eight points, but only maybe fifteen inches at the longest.

He stood there and looked at me for a moment and then trotted to the fence. Hopped over and galumphed away, headed east toward the Glass Mountains north of Marathon.

I've filed that event as "Interesting but strange". :)
Just got back from a New Zealand Stag hunt. Found out I'm in better shape then I thought. Was doing stairs at work, 6-7 stories at a time for 2 weeks before. Had to remind my 19 yo guide he was a 3rd of my age. Did losts of hiking and elevation. The thing we didn't have to deal with was altitude. Years back climbed some of Colorado's 14'rs. Altitude killed me long before the physical climbing. Little way to train for it except cardio training.
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