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Man shoots dog with suppressed pistol

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Jun 2, 2004
Austin Texas
This happened just out side of Austin, really hope he get's the max.

Police investigate Pflugerville dog shooting

12:14 PM CDT on Thursday, July 28, 2005

Homeowners in one Pflugerville neighborhood are outraged after a nearby
homeowner allegedly shot and killed a neighborhood dog while it sat
inside its backyard.

Investigators say the dog was shot once in the neck with a .22 caliber
pistol, and now the dog's owner says she wants justice.

When Melissa Ortiz arrived home on July 15, the first thing she did was
check on her 5-year-old dog, Orion, chained in the back yard.
"As I opened the back blinds to my door, I was face to face with a man
that yelled at me to get out of my house," she said.

Ortiz says Norris Cole proceeded to tell her a story of how he chased a
robber into her backyard. After she called police, she says the truth
came out.

"Found out that it was him that shot my dog after finding the gun on
him," Ortiz said.
Investigators say it was a .22 caliber pistol.

Cole had apparently placed the border collie-lab mix in trash bags and
had already carried him out to his truck when the story unfolded.

"I was very upset," Ortiz said. "I really miss him a lot. It's not the
same without him."

After questioning, deputies say Cole said that he was tired of the dog
constantly barking.
Just on the other side of Ortiz's fence is the Plantation House, an
upscale home rented out year round to host private weddings.
It's also the home of Cole, who valued peace and quiet for his family's

Cole's attorney, Jamie Balagia, issued a statement saying "Norris Cole
deeply regrets the mistake he made. The action taken is not who he is.
He is cooperating with law enforcement and is getting the counseling
that is needed."

Many neighbors who live on the Pflugerville street say they are

"We don't come out here anymore because we don't feel safe. It's bad,"
Ortiz said. "If we go outside we go in the front yard."

KVUE's report
Cole faces one count of animal cruelty, a state jail felony, and
criminal trespassing.

His attorney says he's received dozens of e-mails and phone calls
threatening his family.
He hopes those come to an end.

Meanwhile, ATF investigators said Cole had some sort of silencer or
flash suppressor on the gun, which could be illegal.

Seems like you hear about these kinds of stories now and then. Usually it's more covert and they poison your pet.

I can understand the fustration of having a noisy dog as a neighbor (or even a noisy neighbor) but shooting someone or a pet is NOT a solution. He deserves what he gets, and then some. It's too bad pets are viewed only as property. Some people form emotional bonds with animals that are equal to those with human companions.
Our dog was barking at a telephone line worker up the pole (not quite an ordinary situation), the neighbors called animal control about the barking. Animal control came out and gave us a warning and said next time they would cite us $150 :eek: . We were at home during the session and went and explained the problem with the phone guy and the dog to all of our neighbors (since animal control could not disclose the upset party) and apologized for the noise. Hopefully they will come over first next time.

Dogs bark, if it is uncontrolled and the authorities are notified and all parties do there part to take care of the situation there is no reason or justification for killing with a surpressed .22 or a shotgun. If it continues uncontrolled then the authorities need to do their part and the owners should be questioned about their ability to be a dog owner.
yeah what a jerk- totally over the top.

i wonder if he even tried calling animal control first???

i can understand being annoyed, but usually there are regulations- the law would make the lady do something much more reasonable.
Way over the top. This certainly wasn't the solution to a noise problem. He misused the wrong tool for the job.

Hopefully gunowners won't be painted with same broad brush when viewing the actions of this misguided person.

Suppressed or unsuppressed pistol doesn't matter. How much noise he made committing his deed shouldn't even be an issue.
Hmmm, I drive past there on my way to/from work every day.

Doesn't make Norris sound like the friendly family guy he makes himself out to be on his "about us" page for The Plantation House.

They do say they go out of their way to keep the place in perfect shape and do what it takes to have a perfect wedding ... apparently that includes shooting the neighbor's noisy dogs :scrutiny:

"Norris Cole deeply regrets the mistake he made. The action taken is not who he is."
[RANT] I hate this crap. Mistake nothing! He'd have never considered it "a mistake" if he hadn't gotten caught! The action taken is exactly who he is.

What ever happened to the notion of remorse and apology ... for what one did to someone else, not the consequences it generated for the idiot? When's the last time you heard someone say: "I'm really sorry. I know what I did was wrong, and I'm sorry that it hurt you. Please forgive me." [/RANT]
"It's too bad pets are viewed only as property."

Be very careful what you wish for.

A lot of states are enacting laws which give pets certain status above property. Some are going so far as to give them rights. Ambulance chasing lawyers are salivating at the prospects of suing for milions of dollars over the "wrongful death" of Fluffy.

I hope you were joking when you wrote- "No reason to shoot a barking yappy dog owned by inconsiderate clueless neighbors. There are much quieter ways."

Dog poisoners and their ilk scare me, I don't understand how people can be that cold. I also think it's an easy transition to killing people that cut them off in traffic or throw baseballs by accident over their fence.
Nope. Never poisoned a dog. Couldn't do it. But I have....NO ....sympathy for the inconsiderate m--------ers who allow dogs to bark at NOTHING.

They do not deserve ANY respect or consideration. I...have...called animal control when SPEAKING TO the moronic ape turned sour. He "seemed" reasonable and even corrected the problem...FOR A WHILE. Next time I spoke to him, he went ballistic and started making threats.

Animal control gave him some options. Shut the mutt up, pay a fine, or face a hearing to lose the dog.

Barking dogs are a reflection of their idiot owners. They deserve neither dogs nor pity.

My "quiet enjoyment of my property" is a ....RIGHT !!!!

Like the RKBA.

People who see animals as akin to people usually think it is a short road from shooting a dog to shooting people. People who see a dog as property see a greater difference. Therefore, animal lovers see people who are cruel to animals as a threat to themselves more quickly then animal "non-lovers" (both haters and the ambivalent). Who is right, probably some of each depending upon the person involved in the cruelty to animals.

While I certainly do not think that shooting the dog was the answer, I also don't appreciate people letting their dogs bark constantly. If you like his barking, lock him in the basement.

If it were me, I'd have talked to the party, then called animal control (which probably would have been step #1, since the lady was gone).
Over the years, I've owned probably a dozen ....TRAINED....dogs. All good citizens and ONLY allowed to bark for reason.

Of course, some neanderthals think their barking dog is macho.
They learn very quickly from me.

And a constantly barking dog is NO security.

(And two dogs have half the intelligence of one)
It's too bad pets are viewed only as property.
They are not:
Cole faces one count of animal cruelty

I have a very low opinion of people who are cruel to animals. I love animals. That does not stop me from killing the occasional pet though. With no less than a suppressed pistol. But only at the request of the pet's owner. Shooting a cat in the head from contact range is not cruelty - it is a humane way of putting the animal down. No, I do not enjoy it, but sometimes it has to be done, it would be cruel not to.

Animals are animals, they are not human. Failing to make that distinction is a hallmark of eco-nazis.

The man (allegedly, unless he has already been tried and convicted) trespassed and illegally killed a dog. If found guilty, he should be punished in a way that fits the crime.

He did not commit murder.
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