Man shoots self to avoid work.

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If you have ever seen someone actually gun shot and not the Hollywood version, I have no doubt that the guy realized it was a really bad option about 2 sec after his friend shot him.
So, which of these two face the more serious charges? the idiot who came up with the plan, or the idiot who agreed to go along with it?
chicken and the egg.


how do these people get so stupid? is there something in the water? i mean, really, its one thing to shoot yourself to get out of going to war (which is wrong, but at least understandable) but another to avoid losing freaking paycheck.

on a sidenote, i'm not so kosher with the drug test thing. i had a friend who worked where they do random drug tests. instead of smoking pot, which is evident to the tests for months after one use, he was snorting cocain, which filters out quicker. i bet that others do the same thing. i don't generally approve of illigal drugs, but the switch from something thats relativly safe to something thats a lot harder is not exactly something i encorage, and rather redundant being that the goal is to elimate drug use.
If he had simply shot his phone, he wouldn't have to call in sick.

Then, after a couple days of getting drunk, he could tell his boss someone shot his phone.
Sounds to me like this person needs to find a different job. The employer has a great deal of power over your life. Good reason to go into business yourself so you can hire all the drug types and SHOW 'EM the way it ought to be. For my part, as a customer, if I was suspicious of the people involved, they wouldn't do a job for me as a contractor.
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