Martial law imposed by MAYOR in Arkansas?

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I think the program should be extended nationwide. Think of all the high crime areas that could benefit. I don't know why no one has thought of a nationwide 24hr curfew before. I think those that agree with this are on to something.:scrutiny:
Which is worse, living under a manditory curfew for a week by the law or live under the fear of rape, robbery, murder, beatings 24/7?

I rather live in FREEDOM. So I wouldn't mind too much about the crimes and assorted nastiness. Thats what my CCW is for. Thats why I carry a gun in the first place.
Most legal and legislative precedents that later developed into things used to oppress us all started by targeting a segment of society people at the time agreed with.

Most laws on firearms and many other weapons originaly were implemented in ways that primarily targeted individuals many in society didn't want armed at the time without effecting the general population. Yet in time they were applied to all, and are also the foundation many others have been built on that target all citizens.

Freedom trumps any immediate gains accomplished through tyrannical authoritarian actions. You rarely get back rights you willingly give up.
The people in the 10 block area can go to the store, work, or any other place they want. They are not under house arrest, they just cannot hang out on the corner i.e. loitering.

The mayor imposing martial law is a really stupid move on his part, he should have just assigned 20 or so officers to partol that area on a round the clock basis or even opened a branch office of the police station right in the middle of the neighborhood.
Clinton country

YIKES!:eek: The first time "Clinton" ever came to mind when thinking about Arkansas.

Every time I traveled down there, I usually never go to the cities. I always preferred the rural areas and some small towns with nice "hony-tonk" settings. Never went to the cities. Perhaps thats why I don't know "hoods" or "ghettos" existed down there.
Main Entry: martial law
Function: noun
Date: 1933
1 : the law applied in occupied territory by the military authority of the occupying power
2 : the law administered by military forces that is invoked by a government in an emergency when the civilian law enforcement agencies are unable to maintain public order and safety law

Can a civilian law enforcement agency be called upon to administer martial law ?
The latter, by far.

Ditto that. If it gets that bad *I* will start carrying an AK clone around with me. Indeed I've done it before. Looking to some tin pot dictator of a mayor and his yokel thugs to solve the problem is a big part of the problem to begin with. A "law enforcement" organization that preemptively sentences me to house arrest has crossed the line into tyranny. I'd be the first in line to get arrested and sue them and their corrupt gobment into oblivion. Hopefully the ACLU will do something good for a change and crush these little nazis.

Most of the law abiding people who live in these high crime areas welcome police action like this to make their living areas safer.

I was under the impression that martial law was for the Nat'l Guard/Military when there is a major civil unrest i.e. major rioting, violent protesting, etc. What seems to be happening here is more along the lines of a forced community watch, since obviously the law abiding citizens feel they can't do it themselves, which is pathetic. The citizens either feel a) they have nothing to fight for or b) fighting for what they have is not worth it. Either one is pretty sad and they need to get a kick in the nuts, not a 24 hour watch provided by the tax payers, yet another hand out.

Which is worse, living under a manditory curfew for a week by the law or live under the fear of rape, robbery, murder, beatings 24/7?

So you'd willingly trade liberty for a little temporary security?
If someone imposed a curfew like that around here, they better take cover. My freedom is what makes me love this country. I would never trade liberty for a band aid on a problem that needs to be handled by the residents like me. The police/military have their place, but its not in defending my personal property, that's my problem. All they need to do with it is write the report once I'm done defending it.

Most of the law abiding people who live in these high crime areas welcome police action like this to make their living areas safer
How many of them do you know? What percentage of your friends live in these areas?

I think the program should be extended nationwide. Think of all the high crime areas that could benefit. I don't know why no one has thought of a nationwide 24hr curfew before. I think those that agree with this are on to something.

Adolph Hitler rode a similar sentiment into power. Germany allowed him to declare martial law until he got the riots under control. The rest is history.

So do all of you side with the gun grabbers or the ACLU on this one?
macadore said:
Adolph Hitler rode a similar sentiment into power. Germany allowed him to declare martial law until he got the riots under control. The rest is history.

Harvster is jerking your chain.
macadore said:
Harvster said:
I think the program should be extended nationwide. Think of all the high crime areas that could benefit. I don't know why no one has thought of a nationwide 24hr curfew before. I think those that agree with this are on to something. :scrutiny:
Adolph Hitler rode a similar sentiment into power. Germany allowed him to declare martial law until he got the riots under control. The rest is history.

So do all of you side with the gun grabbers or the ACLU on this one?

Umm, I think your sarcasm detector is malfunctioning. . . . Note the "scrutinize" smilie in Harvster's post. ;)
But there's reason to wonder if some of the uniformed enforcers wandering the streets of that unfortunate community are actually opportunists. Just last month, The Daily World, the local newspaper, warned that uniforms had been stolen during a break-in at an officer's home.

“Unless you know who the person is it is a good idea to find out who’s outside before opening your door to just anyone,” said Col. Fred Fielder of the Helena-West Helena Police Department.
At the risk of taking this off issue, exactly how would the good Col. Fielder suggest someone handle such a situation? Open the door immediately upon seeing what appears to be police uniforms and run the risk of imposters gaining access to your home? Or, refuse to answer and run the risk of the police kicking down your door and shooting you or your dogs?
Local Yocals will take your rights faster than the feds any day of the week.

An even though what they are doing is unconstitutional and against federal law nobody will be legally held accountable.
Put a 1 week curfew on the cops and let the citizens exercise their human right to self defense and clean up their own neighborhood.
Live as a law abiding individual in that 10 block corridor or just outside it and then you can comment.
This is not good logic.

And why is it that if the cops carry fully-auto M16s , they're called military-style weapons but if a civilian carries a semi-automatic AR-15 it's called an assault rifle?!?
Good point! Freaking media.

How is anyone supposed to go to work or the store if, indeed, the 10-block area is under 24 hour curfew??
I am sure they will allow you on your way if your papers are in order.
Which is worse, living under a manditory curfew for a week by the law or live under the fear of rape, robbery, murder, beatings 24/7?

I'd rather live with a criminal than live like a criminal.
Which is worse, living under a manditory curfew for a week by the law or live under the fear of rape, robbery, murder, beatings, robberies 24/7?

I'm pretty sure someone famous said that it's ok to trade freedom for safety.

It's not martial law. That's the thread title. The article asks if this is like martial law. It's not. Martial law has a special meaning. Let's not confuse it with curfews and stepped up police presence.
James Valley, the Mayor of Helena-West Helena is supreme douchebag on a power trip. He is trying to draw heat off of him for recently raiding the cities dog pound and hauling about 20 starving and diseased dogs away from the pound personally and turning them loose in the national forest. The Humane Society is all over this scumbag, and he gets on tv and threatens anybody from the governor on down to try to come to his town and tell him how to run it.

He won't back off of this until he is ready to. He has the bluff on everybody, and nobody seems to want to call it. Civil liberties don't mean diddly squat to this guy, its his town and he will run it as he pleases. Just ask him. Mr T
They are just taking a page from DC's handbook. If they can do it in the capitol they can do it anywhere.
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