Maryland - MSI Update 9-02-08

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Mar 10, 2003
In this issue:

1. Even hotel rooms are not safe.
2. Strategies for surviving a campus shooter
3. Are you an activist or just play one on the internet?
4. Maryland does issue permits to carry
5. Passing the torch
6. Executive membership dues
7. Pro-RKBA Raffle

1. Even hotel rooms are not safe

On August 26, 2008, at 7:06 p.m., officers from Anne Arundel County Police Department’s Northern District responded to the Springhill Suites Hotel, located at 899 Elkridge Landing Rd., Linthicum, for a report of an armed robbery. Upon arrival, officers learned that two suspects entered the hotel room of the victims by force and displayed handguns. After assaulting the
victims, the suspects fled the room with an undisclosed amount of U.S. currency and personal property. One victim was transported to Shock Trauma for precautionary reasons for injuries sustained during the assault. Suspects were last seen exiting the hotel in an undisclosed direction.

Multiple officers, including Air and K-9 units, canvassed the area but did not locate the suspects.

Suspect 1 = B/M, light complexion, last seen wearing a blue baseball hat, light colored polo shirt with a large design on the back, and dark colored shorts.

Suspect 2 = B/M, dark complexion, with a beard, last seen wearing a black “skull cap”, white T- shirt, and light blue long shorts.

2. Strategies for surviving a campus shooter
The University of California, San Francisco has some interesting takes on what you should do in the event of an active shooter scenario taking place on campus.

Words of wisdom include:
•Play dead ( I wonder how long that would remain as play acting?)
•Take cover (Just how many objects in a typical classroom are really "cover"?)
•Attack the attacker as a last resort. Best to catch him by surprise.....(So, once the attacker has seized the initiative and begun an attack, who has been the one who was surprised?)

There's even more pearls in there, though at least there is mention of resisting the attackers rather than submitting to being executed like a farm animal.

The travesty in all of these discussions is that you have entire communities of anywhere from 400-40,000 citizens who are systematically disarmed and left to fend for themselves in the face of an increasing likelihood of violence. Whether it be from familial violence, terrorism, criminal motives or just plain insanity, our university and college students who are otherwise licensed to carry a firearm for protection are prohibited from doing so on campus. Campus police officers are, in my experience, highly trained and devoted to the campuses that they are sworn to protect but the fact is that they are woefully understaffed given the populations they protect and are unable to cope with the active shooter scenario.

3. Are you an activist or just play one on the internet?
Though it is impossible to prove a negative, one of the things that Maryland gun owners can be proud of as a community is that not one significant anti-gun bill has made it into law in the last several years. Many things can play into this including four years of a Governor who we hoped would act as a veto to any anti-gun bills, the presence of a grassroots effort like Maryland Shall Issue, the increased networking of gun owners through internet forums like the Maryland Shooters Forum, and perhaps a sitting governor in Martin O'Malley who didn't want the political anchor of gun control around his neck as he vied for a spot on the national political stage.

The question has to be though, "Are we happy with simply not losing or are we in this for the win?"

We hear it time and time again. "There's no use because the anti-gunners have the majority in the General Assembly." "Why bother, it will never happen". "Until you have a Republican majority you will never make any headway "

We dismiss the notion that it's useless to try. A shooter that I respect very much has oftentimes said that many people in Maryland suffer from "battered gun owners syndrome". The syndrome is characterized by resignation that things will never change for the better, that it will only get worse, there's nothing that can be done to alter this perceived inevitability and that it's useless to try. The syndrome is caused by too many years of losing ground to the anti-gun forces followed by years of fights just to maintain the status quo.

The idea that individuals don't make a difference is nonsense. During the 2006 election cycle, a group of MSI members spent countless hours campaigning door to door and sign waving for a House of Delegates member facing a stiff re-election fight. That Delegate is one of our most consistent and vocal friends in the General Assembly and he retained his seat by a margin of 36 votes. The boots on the ground activism of just a few people made the difference in a pro gun vote in the House of Delegates.

Our charge to you is to be more than an internet or armchair activist. Take the time and energy that you spend preaching to the proverbial choir on chat boards and at the gun club and expend it writing letters to the editor. Volunteer a few hours at a campaign office when the time comes. Donate to the General Assembly members who represent our interests.

Remember that in the end, we get the government that we deserve. Yes it's hard and frustrating work, but the alternative to not trying it is too terrible to ponder.

4. Maryland does issue permits to carry

Thanks to Delegate Dan Riley (D), district 34A (Cecil and Harford) for filing a Public Information Act request with the Maryland State Police, we have the following numbers regarding the issuance of permits to carry a firearm in Maryland.

By state geographic regions in the last 5 years (as of January 1, 2008):

Baltimore City 2165
Allegany County 106
Anne Arundel 1099
Baltimore County 2544
Calvert County 332
Caroline County 28
Carroll County 391
Cecil County 146
Charles County 418
Dorchester Co. 30
Frederick Co. 346
Garrett Co. 33
Harford Co. 566
Howard Co. 445
Kent County 13
Montgomery Co. 923
Prince Georges 3154
Queen Anne's 90
St. Mary's 197
Somerset 23
Talbot 113
Washington 200
Wicomico 74
Worcester 85

by race in the last 5 years:

Asian 113
Black 7230
Indian 11
Unknown 176
White 5909

5. Passing the torch

Henry Heymering, founder of MSI and its president since its inception, tendered his resignation as of August 31. Henry has shown remarkable tenacity, integrity and vision in establishing and leading this organization and we thank him for his years of service. Henry will continue on as a board member and we value his wisdom and intellect as we move to the next chapter for MSI. Sebastian Sassi, long term board member and well-known community activist in Baltimore has been elected as president. Sebastian has an established reputation for getting the tough things done and won recognition for Maryland's RKBA community when he took on arch-gun-grabber Rebecca Peters in a televised debate.

6. Membership dues

Membership in Maryland Shall Issue is on an annual basis from October 1 to September 30. With the end of the membership year approaching, it is time for each of us to pay our dues. Regular Membership is $10 per year. Regular Members receive the MSI Update, participate in the annual members survey and are entitled to attendance at all regular meetings of MSI.

Executive Membership is $50 a year. Executive Members are entitled to all the benefits of Regular Membership plus are entitled to attend meetings reserved exclusively for Executive Members. The Executive Membership level is for those individuals who wish to have a more active role in the legislative and outreach activities of MSI without taking on the duties of an elected or appointed position in the organization. Those wishing to become Executive Members must pay their $50.00 dues and make a written request to be considered as such. The Executive Board will vote on each application on a case by case basis.

Dues may be paid electronically at the MSI website or sent via mail to:

Maryland Shall
P.O. Box 314
Libertytown, MD

7. Pro-RKBA Fundraiser and Raffle

The Freestate Alliance for Better Government is a pro-RKBA slate of Maryland Delegates:

Del. Joseph Boteler (R), District 8, Baltimore County
Del. A. Wade Kach, (R), District 5B, Baltimore County
Del. Richard Impallaria (R), District 7, Baltimore and Harford County

The slate will be hosting a fundraiser featuring G. Gordon Liddy at the Hilton Hotel on Pratt St. in Baltimore at 6:30pm on October 30. Tickets and reservations may be obtained at or by contacting Stephen Wright at [email protected]

In conjunction with the fundraiser event, Horst and McCann Indoor Gun Range is sponsoring a raffle for a 20 Gauge CZ Ringneck Double Barrel Shotgun with upgraded wood. Estimated value of the firearm is $1995.00. The drawing will be held on October 30, 2008 and you do not need to be present to win.
All I know is being a Naval Academy grad and when I lived in MD, there was NO way in hell I was going to be issued a permit. I know...I tried many times. That was back in 94 so maybe things have changed.
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