Maryland Senator want felons to possess guns!

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Mar 17, 2004
One of our Senators in Maryland has sponsored a bill (SB 624)that would let convicted felons due to drug charges be able to possess a regulated firearm!

In this state, a regulated firearm is a handgun or a so called "assault weapon". As if this isn't bad enough, Senator GLADDEN is also a co-sponsor of SB 43 which as most of ya know is the new Maryland 2007 Assault Weapons Bill!

While on one hand she wants to take weapons from LAW ABIDING RESIDENTS, she also wants to allow FELONS to have what we might not be able to have!

Where does the insanity end!!

Here's the link to SB 624. The very first paragraph says it all!!

This is disgusting!

Well CI, if these felons are so dangerous, what are they doing out of jail in the first place? There are a lot of non-violen felons out there. Please understand that "Felon", is a label created by a legal system, and that more and more crimes are being categorized as felonies. Also, more and more midemeanor penalties include loss of gun ownership rights...
I must admit to being puzzled as to exactly where Sen Gladden stands on 2A. Cosponsor of MORE anti legislation (in a state that already has mucho anti laws on the books) and then turn around and want persons convicted of CERTAIN drug laws to get back gun rights. It almost sounds as if she has someone in particular in mind for the passage of this legislation. A connected constituant maybe?

If a man served his time, then that's that as far as I'm concerned. If he's so dangerous upon release that he can't be trusted with a gun, then why on earth was he released?

I don't care about prison overcrowding either. I'm not one for the .gov spending my money, but if it's to build new prisons to house the dregs, send me the bill.
What is their felony for, did they miss a couple payments on their college tuition, bounce a check 20 yrs ago, get caught with a little dope residue on a pipe??? Big DEAl

OR did they murder an old couple for 5 bucks or molest a 6 yr old.

The Word Felony is used to loosely and thousands more would be felons if they were caught.

I have hired a couple people at different times both with felonies and got so damn tired of people whinning about their felonies, they turned out to be the best employees i had.
I did a quick read of that bill. It has lots of lovely manditory sentencing provisions that are sure to make everyone happy by prohibiting judges from allowing leniency when it might be appropriate and creating as many felons as possible, and it ends with a section on "Public Safety" that seems to prohibit everyone in the world from possessing a firearm. I haven't read the bill thoroughly but I don't see that it says what you said it says. Are you transmitting information you got somewhere else, perhaps?

At any rate, there doesn't seem to be any need to be alarmed that anyone will be left out of Maryland's wish to disarm everyone. I am absolutely sure that criminals in Maryland will follow its laws and disarm themselves, thereby making Maryland as safe as Washington, DC, and London in England.

I appreciate the commitment of legislators throughout our country to create as many felons as possible. Felons can't vote against them, which will keep our nation's legislators off the streets so they can't do real harm, such as bumping against cars while they cross the street.
This is really a mott point since they would still be prohibited at the FEDERAL level. I guess it may, if passed, allow them to have BP weapons but that's all I can think of.
This has to do with drug related offenses. This same Senator is a co-sponsor of the 2007 Assault Weapons Ban bill, SB43. I think its a slap in the face to all of the gunowners in this state who are law abiding.

On one hand, the Senator wants to take our firearms and on the other hand she wants to give firearms to people invloved with drugs.

At the end of the first paragraph is where it states :

"repealing a prohibition against a person possessing a regulated firearm if the person was previously convicted of certain drug- related offenses;and generally relating to penalties for drug related offenses"

I know a couple people who messed up,did time and have tuned out be decent hardworking guys with families. Neither of them was locked up for violent offenses, nor were they drug related. Both of them have done real good for themselves.

A very good friend of mine had a run in with the law right after he got home from Viet-Nam in late '68 and got time out of it. He's one of my best friends who I've known almost twenty years now.

Unfortunately, I've also known people that have done all sorts of stuff because of drugs. The last area in the city where I lived wasn't real bad at first, but over time it got old running the junkies or dealers off of the front steps in the morning and cleaning up syringes in the back yard.

Depending on the circumstances I probably wouldn't have a problem with people who did time possessing firearms. However, its been my experience that people involved with drugs are better kept away from firearms.
It's much more democratic to take away the firearms of everyone who lives in Maryland. Good cause, well worth pursuing.
Free citizen = full rights

Locked up citizen = very limited rights

Free citizen with very limited rights = modern America

I have no problem with a person who is out of prison, and off probation/parole, owning a firearm. Neither do some states, and they haven't been over run by crazed armed felons yet ;)
repealing a prohibition against a person possessing a regulated firearm if the person was previously convicted of certain drug- related offenses;and generally relating to penalties for drug related offenses"
What are these certain drug related offenses?

I doubt very seriously that they are crimes committed while trying to obtain the cash to get the drugs.

How much pot is a felony?
How many cases of hard liquor can you legally buy at the local liquor store?

See where I'm going

Do the crime, serve your time, get a do over

***? :what:
Oh ya disarm the sheeple. Make it easier for the criminals. She must have some criminal friends she is trying to help out.
So many of the gun control problems would be cleared up if everyone just understood one concept:

A person is either dangerous or not. It doesn't matter what tool they have in their hand. A dangerous man is still lethal with a butter knife in his hand. And a good law abiding man is fine with a rocket launcher in his hands. What kind of person a man(or woman) is makes ALL the difference. The tool they use it completely irrelevant.
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