MAYDAY...MAYDAY...Do you have an FFL in Atlanta, GA?

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What's the purpose of involving an FFL in their giveaway? If they want to turn the guns into the police, then isn't that their business?
Yes, it's their business and we support their right to do so.

That said, there are indications that the collection could include some items of real value, both financial and historical. An awful lot of people would find it very tragic for, say, a new registered Thompson SMG or a pristine pair of made-by-Colt-himself Colt revolvers to be shredded just because someone "didn't like guns".

Getting an FFL involved gives an air of assurance to the deal, both that the guns would not "fall into the wrong hands" and that they would actually be appreciated. Analogy: a previously unknown Rembrant is uncovered at a decedant's estate, and the heir thinks it's "rubbish"; if the heir was given a list of 5 total strangers willing to buy, he might just toss it as "rubbish"; but if given a list of 5 recognized museums, he might accept $1000 for one of them to swing by and pick it up.

There's a lot of fear among the normal populace about guns being evil and "falling into the wrong hands". Giving the heirs a list of federally licensed dealers may persuade them to sell the guns to "the right people" rather than handing over a magnificent collection to the police to melt down into slag.
i dont have an FFL, but i do have an open door policy to people who want to give guns away..... if you're looking for a good charitable source, i'm more than willing to fill in. :D
I still don't see how involving an FFL gives credibility to the situation. An FFL, of course, is not required for the transfer(s). I just happen to know a young lawyer of unquestionable character whose name would be recognized by anyone of ANY prominence in Atlanta or any other state who is gun-friendly and who could be trusted to treat the family fairly. The lawyer's grandfather was U.S. Attorney General and a Federal Judge and is currently senior partner of one of Atlanta's most prestigious law firms. Anybody from a prominent Atlanta family would already know about whom I speak.

What are the chances that an FFL is going to bring any character to the equation?
Rockstar said:
I still don't see how involving an FFL gives credibility to the situation. An FFL, of course, is not required for the transfer(s). I just happen to know a young lawyer of unquestionable character whose name would be recognized by anyone of ANY prominence in Atlanta or any other state who is gun-friendly and who could be trusted to treat the family fairly. The lawyer's grandfather was U.S. Attorney General and a Federal Judge and is currently senior partner of one of Atlanta's most prestigious law firms. Anybody from a prominent Atlanta family would already know about whom I speak.

What are the chances that an FFL is going to bring any character to the equation?

Step back and look at his previous statements. An FFL lends the air of legitimacy to the transaction. Being a name brand attorney means nothing to most people - being federally licensed in the realm of firearms usually does. It's purely a comfort level thing. If it's his estimation that an FFL is what will give these people their comfort level, then accept it as fact and stop whining.

Looks like good news for the guns. These folks are not relatives. They are neighbors and my wife walks with the wife.

Today....before I gave the list....(wife said to "go slow" I did) The husband (executor) called the Atlanta PD and told them of his plans. The POLICE told him "why not sell them to a gun dealer?"

And.....whatever he told them, they told him that ONE (at least) was "very valuable." So ....the cops have probably rescued the guns as the wife asked my wife if I could give her a list of dealers who would buy guns.

Yay, Atlanta PD!

Hallelujah. You might score on this.

Good luck.

Wife will give them list tomorrow. Thanks for the PMs.


that is great news. I hope it does work out. Whoever gets the estate from you assistance should .... post a listing here first for so that we can see what I will not be able to afford.

Dreaming about a sweet sixteen a5 or Parker field grade 16g or Colt SAA .45LC or ...
Relax, axeman. It's probably just some ole Borchardt carbines, Volcanics, Patersons, and some modern junk like Pedersens and Monitors.

:D :D :D
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