Mental Health and Firearms Ownership, what do you think?

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For all you know that soldier found out his 8 month old daughter was the result of an affair his wife had while he was deployed for most of the last year, and he flipped out and it had nothing to do with his deployment. He may have been perfectly fine and thrilled going home, with no illness to find.
He was only 21, his wife 19, young hormones, emotions.

Exactly. Which is why the sentence you quoted said it was possible and the next sentence said that the fact his defense did not try to introduce mental health into the trial suggests it may not have been an issue. I don't see how your argument has anything to do with my post, except when you take a single sentence out of context.
1stmarine said:
The way I see it we need to think about everyone. Those that died, those that survived. Control freaks are everywhere and we need to get way smarter at educating folks including our own children about their rights but not just 2nd amendment but all the rights, and obligations. Also we need to be involved and understand how we can evolve, we cannot move forward trying to fit dry cut some policies from the times of Jefferson applied in modern times.

I don't know if you're aware of this, but in one of the Federalist letters dating back to the time around when the Constitution was ratified, one of the arguments made against a bill of rights was that eventually people would come to think that the only rights they had were those enumerated in the Bill of Rights.
In other words, you, I, and everyone else has ALL the possible rights not specifically delegated to the state or federal governments.
So if it ain't written down somewhere, you have that right.
Unfortunately, the Federalists were right about this - now we argue about the Second Amendment as though that's where our right to keep and bear arms comes from when in fact, we have had that right all along whether it was enumerated or not.

And so it goes with all our rights. And by "our rights" I also mean the rights of those who haven't done something to demonstrate that they can't be trusted to behave safely in civilized society.
Even then, I'd argue that if you've been released from prison or an institution and have lived for two or so years without incident, all of your rights should be fully reinstated. IMO, you shouldn't be let out of the cage if you're not trustworthy.
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