Metal detectors at bank door

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Pretend it's a Bible detector not a gun detector. Now would that be persecution?
A gun isn't a religious article, and a Bible generally isn't used to directly harm someone.

I am not a bank robber and don't like being treated like one....My main concern is that I am offended by this.
Are you offended by traffic laws and stop lights because they treat you like a bad driver? You need to realize that you aren't the only person on this planet, and things like metal detectors and safety measures aren't aimed directly at you, they are in place to accommodate for the members of society who aren't cautious or trustworthy and don't wear a sign saying "I'm a cretin".
Some of you people in these so called pro-gun forums drink the same kool-aid as the antis.

The Haulocaust Museum in Washington DC has metal detectors at the door too. That didn't stop an 88 year old nutcase with a .22 rifle from walking in and killing the .38 revolver weilding guard who was manning the detector. Exactly how would a metal detector stop a couple of determined bank robbers with AKs or M4s? They'd simply kill the two .38 weilding guards manning the detector and then rob the bank.

Metal detectors also make it easier for thugs to rob a law abiding citizen in the parking lot since he had to leave his gun in the car or at home because of the metal detector.

If the banks really wanted to do something they'd install bullet proof glass that's proof to .308 caliber at the tellers and have guards on duty with M4s or MP5s that they're trained to use. Not the "feel good" metal detectors at the doors.

But Nooooooo..........those black rifles are so much uglier than metal detectors and .38 revolvers.
A credit union where I used to bank in California was the target of a "takeover" style robbery with shots fired (warning/intimidation shots, no one was hit), and shortly thereafter double door foyers with metal detectors started appearing at their locations. I didn't blame them a bit.

I think I would feel the same way.I live in a rual area,banking at the same credit union since 78,and I feel that I should be "known" by employees.
I tell new employees I should be asking for their Id to prove they work there,joking of course.
I never go back to a place that includes tip,[they screw employees out of money if they do a good job]and I would never shop at a place that searched me,and would return everything I purchased right then and there.
I refuse to pay on line,just shop and call to talk to a real person;who speaks english. Yep I understand.
The Haulocaust Museum in Washington DC has metal detectors at the door too. That didn't stop an 88 year old nutcase with a .22 rifle from walking in and killing the .38 revolver weilding guard who was manning the detector. Exactly how would a metal detector stop a couple of determined bank robbers with AKs or M4s? They'd simply kill the two .38 weilding guards manning the detector and then rob the bank.
The kind of detector the OP described would likely stop anyone with anything short of an rpg. I agree that the normal kind of detector that you can just go around is stupid and pointless in most cases.
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