Mexico knife carry laws?

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Dec 9, 2003
I will be traveling to Mexico this week on business and would like to carry my pocket knife with me as I usually do everyday. Does anyone know if that is frowned upon down there? If not, do you know where I can find out before doing it and ending up in jail? A pocket knife is too use full to leave at home.
It depends on where you're going to carry it.It's illegal to carry it as a weapon and that's up to the Mexican LEO to decide if it's a weapon or not. So if you're going hiking,fishing,or camping I don't think you would have a problem,but I would not carry it while you're in town.
Certain cities will also have their own laws prohibiting knife carry.
You don't say where in Old Mexico your going. You cannot defend yourself in Mexico and not go to jail, especially a gringo. The Federales and local police will always give the nod the the Mexican, and look for a reason to hang the gringo. You'd be ripe pickins from Michigan.
I'm down in Mexico from time to time and wouldn't mind carrying some pepper spray in places like Mexico City, where I have been pick-pocketed before (he didn't get my wallet as I had it in my jacket) :neener: . I suppose that's not allowed either, as only criminals seem to have rights there. With that said, Mexico City is the only place I've ever had trouble in an otherwise extremely friendly country.
Just to add...
If you think you're going to need a knife,it would probably be good idea to just buy one while you're in Mexico.That way you won't have to worry about loosing a good knife.
With that said, Mexico City is the only place I've ever had trouble in an otherwise extremely friendly country.

Yeah, so friendly they send 10% of their population to come visit us! :)
The laws in Mexico appear to be open to the interpretation according to the mood of the cop you arrests you. My advice, stay out of Mexico.
Well, as much as I might like to, staying out of Mexico isn't an option, at least if I want to keep drawing a pay check. I will be flying to Monterey on Thursday for 12 days in Saltillo helping our southern brothers build engines that used to be built here. :fire:

I wasn't thinking of the knife so much for defense, although it certainly has that possibility, it is just a habit that I have had for the past 40 years or so. I kind of feel naked without one. They are so useful. I just don't want to get caught with one if they are "contraband". I carry a folder (made by Browning of course!) that has a pocket clip. Very handy, but the clip is definately visable and may draw un wanted attention. I might invest in something a little less "conspecuous", a guy can't own too many knives can he?

As far as a good pair of running shoes being the best defense, I am fairly certain of the outcome, I just don't want to have to rely on the heart attack getting me before the bad guys do! ;)
Hey Dasmi,

Stay out of Mexico?

This is straight from your sig.
" Be without fear in the face of your enemies
Be brave and upright
Speak the truth, even if it should mean your death
Safeguard the Helpless "

Bold emphasis mine.

Bad advice I think.
BTW My passport is full of stamps from Central American and south Caribbean countries.
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