Michael Moore's Bowling for Columbine is really dumb.

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Dec 27, 2002
always offline!
Well, I finished watching the first half of the movie and it's not really that biased for a short while, save for the fact all the stupid things people say on camera that MM chooses to put into his documentary. Honestly every second that film is rolling after about the first thirty minutes, anyone who knows about guns or our constitution could tell him why he is wrong about 2,000 times over. It's propaganda for High School kids and intellectually challenged adults that don't know any better. I'm not a filmmaker, but I look forward to someday of being able to debate this BS. It's so damn stupid in the most part that it would be so easy and fun....

The "American History" part really makes my skin crawl.

No, I did not pay good money to watch this crap even though it's running at my local theater and a few others still. I downloaded it off of OVERNET.
The problem with that quote in your signature from MM is that weapons WERE used. Box cutters can be used as weapons. Civilian airliners can be used as weapons. A god damn button on my jacket can be used as a weapon.

I believe that he is truly naive. However, given enough time, everyone can be educated, including MM.
It is even worse than that. I just saw a commercial saying he is going to be on Oprah soon.:rolleyes:

The commercial itself was enough to :barf:
This war is about perception, not reality

Informed gun owners may know that Moore's a fool with a destructive agenda but not the average American.

Let me be the first hereabouts to predict that Moore will win an Oscar later this month (screenplay) and that he will receive a standing ovation from the assembled Uber-Sheep at the Academy Awards. Stupid or no, that show will be seen by millions, and it will persuade and convince many. A lot more people who never heard of or planned to go see Bowling for Columbine will go. And where are they to get the "rebuttal" afterwards? Result: more anti-gun "pods."
Michael Moore = Swine

That's my 2 cents. I've seen this sorry slob on many shows over the years and his success just proves P.T. Barnum's statement, "There's a sucker born every minute".
The big wussy took down his forum after he got caught up in a racism scandal in the UK.

He is an unparalleled yutz.
I just saw a commercial saying he is going to be on Oprah soon.
I was sitting in the barber chair yesterday and saw MM on the hellivission, they were advertising his appearance on (H)(D)oprah on Monday 3/3/03.:rolleyes:
The problem with that quote in your signature from MM is that weapons WERE used. Box cutters can be used as weapons. Civilian airliners can be used as weapons. A god damn button on my jacket can be used as a weapon.
Rather than a "problem" with the quote, I would say that that is the whole point of it.

MM is not "naive", nor does he need to be "educated". Read the quote again. It is a confession. MM knows that his belief that inanimate objects cause crime is false. He knows that "a thousand" laws against <insert one's favorite do-gooder cause here> are meaningless drivel.

The point is that he knows that now, and he knew it then. He said so right in "Tears on the Westside Highway" on HIS website. But, whoremonger that he is, he pimped his book and his movie anyway. Can you say hypocrite? Sure you can.

There are dupes right here on these forums that bought his BS hook, line & sinker. They said absurd things like "He raises some interesting questions in the film". Interesting to whom? The stupid? A bright 5 year old can see right through Mikey Moore and his pandering left-wing pap.
Michael Moore is the walking embodiment of the concept of the Useful Idiot; a braying jackass of a human being who is only too happy to screech the party line so long as they throw him a treat every once in awhile.
When this came out my girl friend wanted me to see it. She always finds these goofy movies. Some are good and some are just for her. Lots of foreign films and chick flicks. I go with her because it makes her happy.


This was another issue. She was trying to trick me a bit. She understands why I own firearms and knows of my personal life and what I have seen and been through.

She wanted me to see a different side of things I guess. All this crap in this movie was quickly dismissed once we sat down and talked about the facts.

Now she understands that MM is a fool and I am thankful I saw this movie with her.

Now she knows.
The big wussy took down his forum after he got caught up in a racism scandal in the UK.

He is an unparalleled yutz.

I think he took it down because of *us*. With our logical, persistant, and fact-based debates, we were changing minds. Minds sent there by HIM... his movies, his books, his celeberty, and he couldn't stand it.

I predict that there will never be an openly available Gun Control forum. Gun Control falls quickly to the facts, and anyone promoting it has to hide the facts to be successful. MM's forum was no exception once *we* found it.
Michael Moore....please interview me on camera....I'll make you look like such as idiot...no, you'll cut my whole intervew out of your latest mockumentory....nevermind then.
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