Middle school student arrested for carrying nails

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Mar 4, 2003
Lexington, SC
The State.com

ROCK HILL, S.C. - An 11-year-old boy was arrested this week for carrying 10 nails in his pocket at a middle school here and charged with carrying an unlawful weapon.

Dianne McCray, assistant principal at Rawlinson Road Middle School, asked the child Wednesday what was jingling in his pocket and the student gave her the 3 1/2-inch nails.

A school resource officer arrested him. His father picked him up and he was not taken to the police station.

The boy offered different explanations of why he had the nails: they were left over from a project 10 days earlier; they were for self defense because a suspicious man was seen in his neighborhood or that he needed the nails for a weekend Boy Scout outing.

His father said the nails were in pants worn on an earlier Boy Scout outing. They "were not to be used as a weapon at school."

Lt. Jerry Waldrop of the Rock Hill Police Department said the nails could been used against other students. The boy "did state he had them for protection against a suspicious male in the neighborhood,"

The father said his son threatened no one and had no intention to use the nails as a weapon.

Under state law, anything that can be used as a weapon on school grounds can be unlawful, Waldrop said.

The charge is ridiculous, the father said. "Is a pencil a weapon? Is a pen a weapon? Is a paperclip a weapon?" the father asked.

I can't believe it! :cuss:
Look ahead a decade or two - what's this country going to look like when a whole generation of these kids grows up having been told never, ever carry anything that could be considered a weapon - and they've been treated to at least 12 years of examples of what happens to their peers when they do carry something the authorites classify a weapon? This, my friends, is the "It Takes a Village" generation. The majority of these people - when adults - won't want anything to do with a weapon.
Per the new guidlines, all students must come to the school changing room, be strip searched, given paper pocketless coveralls and paper slippers, and escorted between classes by armed and armored SWAT Team hall monitors. Metal detectors will be built into all seats and doorways, and all writing utensils will be securely chained to the desks. Such activities that may cause injury will be banned, such as PE, recess, lunch, all sports, woodworking, metalshop, and ROTC. Any disruptive behavior will be met with force....

This is coming....which is why our child is going to a private religous school....
Ya know, I never had this thought before right now: My 11 year old, as I have noted here before, attends a private school, we don't have TV, he hunts, shoots, plays in dirt like kids have sine time immemorial...

In ten years will he fit in anywhere? 21, an adult, ten more years of this wussification of a generation between then and now and he'll...what? Either wind up in jail as a nut, holed up in the woods as a hermit(kinda like myself) or at the top of whatever command or leadership structure he wants to dominate? I don't know which, but I'm guessing it's going to be some form of extreme.

I wonder if raising him, and his sister to a lesser degree, independent from the rat-race and goobermint control/observation/manipulation is as good a thing, for them, as I had hoped it would be. If nails in the pocket are now EVUL! then he at least is definitely going to feel like odd man out later on. Hell, I already do.
..and they wonder why...

..they get no respect! :scrutiny:

Lt. Jerry Waldrop of the Rock Hill Police Department said the nails could [have] been used against other students. The boy "did state he had them for protection against a suspicious male in the neighborhood,"

As opposed to the No. 2 pencil he could find protuding from his neck at any given moment?! When supposed LEOs are arresting our children for "unlawful possesion of NAILS" it's time for a reality check. There needs to be a few suspensions alright, but not the student. :uhoh:


I know what you mean, i work at a TV station and always feel like the lone wolf. My coworkers will work with me but im always on the outside looking in.

Why do you have a knife? A flashlight? A lighter? (i dont smoke) A GUN!!! are you insane? :what:

(sigh) My wife and i have already decided that when we have children they will be going to a private school too. I have also wondered what will become of them and us in the future. will we be left out. Hunted. persecuted. what?

Who knows. Crazy society. I'm glad im armed.

Maybe we should start a THR school.
I wonder whether there will be any school kids graduating in, say, 10 years time - who will even be aware of CCW.

Might we all be the last bastion of carriers and hunters ... it's all going down that long pipe - the one that carries effluent! :(
Sad Sad Day.

One of the worst injuries I ever saw while I was in school was a number two pencil through the hand. In one side and out the other with the pencil still in the kid's hand. The kid and teacher passed by me in the hall on the way to the nurse's office. Yet you need a pen or pencil. :rolleyes:

By the way I missed the day the kid got his hand in the bench grinder. :what:
The charge is ridiculous, the father said. "Is a pencil a weapon? Is a pen a weapon? Is a paperclip a weapon?" the father asked.

The most dangerous weapon of all is an alert, well educated, curious, critical human mind.

Do I need to explain why union teachers systematically cripple young intellects?
Public schools have nothing to do with education. They exist to turn people into sheep. And these days they're doing it better than ever. If I had kids there's NO WAY I'd let them set foot in a public school.
What will happen to the kids who go to private schools? Frankly, I think they will end up being the leaders. The public schools are not turning out leaders, they are turning out submissive followers. Our public schools are being run by people with rule books and no brains. And obviously some police departments aren't too far behind.
Well, if you think about it, nails are like ammo. If that kid would've had a hammer, no telling what kind of carnage might have ensued. And anything could be used for a hammer...:rolleyes:
This kind of thing is exactly why I wrap mine in bubble wrap each morning and swab 'em down with anti-bacterial goo when they get back home. One just never knows where danger lurks.

Unbelievable. :banghead:
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Good idea, this suspension thing.

" There needs to be a few suspensions alright, but not the student."

And the suspensions would work better if done by the neck.

When we get this far down the slope, the end is in sight and it ain't pretty.

Private school is a great answer. But what do we do about all the kids, including my seven grand-kids, who are stuck in government indoktrination centers?

I hate to say it, because ideally we're supposed to teach our kids to respect authority and their elders, but it seems that everytime I read these things, the pattern is

"The (vice)principle notices something innocuous, and asked a question"

followed by

"was arrested by a school resource officer"

{What the hell are these "school resource officers" I've been hearing about all over the place? What the heck sort of Orwellian doublespeak is this? When I was a kid, the "resource officer" was in charge or the purple mimeograph machine, a shared resource.}

This really starts smacking directly into the face of the 5th amendment.

Are we really supposed to teach our kids to remain silent in the face of their teachers?

If that's the case, then it's time to restart public education from the ground up.
Yeah, stupid. But what do you guys expect from the government school system? TAKE YOUR KIDS OUT!!! That is the only way you will make a statement. Are you that worried your kids will turn out worse than the dropout you find working at McDonald's, if you teach them? At least the dropout is earning an honest living, even though he might no be able to add or subtract. Come on, a lot of us started out with menial labor jobs. No, I think the answer is many of us don't want to be bothered with raising our children. "We're too busy". I am speaking collectively, as a whole of American Society.

I frequent government schools in the course of my work (along with police stations, senator's office, and other government entities), and if you had any idea how much they were brainwashing your kids you would be sickened...uh, scratch that. Maybe you wouldn't. It's just that too many of us are indifferent, and only reach boiling point when you see something as ridiculous as this.

Frankly if I was this kid's parent I think I would push the issue and arm my son with "tactical paper". And then make sure he tells the teacher he carries it for self defense, by inducing paper cuts. And I think I would be more wary of a guy carrying a rolled up newspaper, versus ten 3.5 inch nails...I think I would have my fun before blowing that popsicle stand.
I pity the kids 10 years from now who will be busted for having "deadly" nails...

...on their fingertips!


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