Midways New Site

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Mar 8, 2010
S/E Michigan
What do you think of Midways new site?
It's nice to see how many things are available for your caliber but when you want bullets only---it is a pain to have to go thru 16 pages or whatever to find bullets only.
They want to make sure that you see everything that is available for your caliber so you may buy something else for your weapon.
What say you ?
Honestly, I preferred the previous format, but its not a deal breaker for me. I'm a big fan of Midway, and I'll keep buying from Mr. Potterfield.

Chris "the Kayak-Man" Johnson
This is not a new marketing principle. Big department stores are often arranged so that you have to walk past lots of related items before you can get to what you want.
I love it, just 3, 4, or 5 clicks & I have what I am looking for, if it is in stock I just drive to Columbia & pick it up. Plus I have friends that work there, gives me a reason to go shot the you know what.
I don't like it, but am getting used to it. I hope they hire someone with an organized mind to set it up the next time around. Grrr........
I love it, just 3, 4, or 5 clicks & I have what I am looking for, if it is in stock I just drive to Columbia & pick it up. Plus I have friends that work there, gives me a reason to go shot the you know what.
It's AWESOME ain't it?

Just 1 stoplight and 2 stopsigns (all right hand turns) from my front door.

Dang I LOVE this place as a gun-hobbyist, lol ! ! !
It's not that complicated.

For instance, if you're looking for bullets:
highlight the "reloading" tab on the left
select "brass and bullets"
on the left select "bullets"
on the left select " handgun bullets"
on the left select your caliber
If you wish you can select a bullet wait or certain manufacturer

Or, you know, you can just search ".xx bullets winchester" to make it a little faster.
It doesn't seem to be any more clicks than previously, it's just laid out more like a search.
I like the new site...everyone comes out with a new webpage every now and then to keep up with the times. I actually hated the old website...you had to click through 3 or 4 pages just to find what you want. Especially when searching for scopes it was a pain in the butt how they 'organized' things
I preferred the old format, but for some reason they often had problems with that old page. Things wouldn't come up right or you'd get an "item not found" message when you clicked on something, only for it to come up correctly on a refresh.

I haven't really had as many issues with the new site. At the end of the day, I also consider their site to also still be the easiest to navigate of any of the firearms retailers. They have a working category system and photos of nearly everything. I have a dealer discount with them due to my C&R but sometimes they're still not the lowest in price, but I often buy from them anyways just because its less hassle to find stuff. Exceptions are bulk bullets - none of the big name stores seem to have decent prices there.

To me they are the Newegg of firearms stuff (for anyone who knows about Newegg, they're the largest computer equipment dealer online, and the second largest online retailer overall - only Amazon is ahead of them). They got to where they were largely because of good website design.
I was accustomed to the old one, but I'll get used to the new one. Seems a little clumsy, but must yield some advantage to Midway or else they wouldn't have done it. I like their selection, prices, and service.
I buy all my reloading equip & new cartridges from Midway.
I wanted an idea what others thought of their new site.
Their advantage is that in some cases you have to pass many things for your weapon----you may find something else to buy. A reloader never has enuf STUFF.------------------:D:D:D:D:D
Have fun
I liked the old platform as well is only me or does midway run slower and freeze up too now ? ? ? it's the only site I have the problem with but won't keep me from spending my money there
I liked the old platform as well is only me or does midway run slower and freeze up too now ? ? ? it's the only site I have the problem with but won't keep me from spending my money there

They're making heavier use of scripting - if your computer or browser is older it might be putting more strain on the system.

Chrome consistently ranks as one of the fastest browsers when it comes to Javascript execution. I'd give it a try if you haven't already and see if your issues go away.
It's nice to see how many things are available for your caliber but when you want bullets only---it is a pain to have to go thru 16 pages or whatever to find bullets only.
Youre just not using the site correctly. Let's say you're looking for .308 bullets:

1. Go to http://www.midwayusa.com
2. In the search box, put in ".308 bullet", and click Search. 670 results
3. Click "Show only products in... Reloading". 453 results
4. Click "Show only products in... Brass & Bullets". 258 results
5. Click "Show only products in... Bullets". 250 results

13 pages of nothing but .308 diameter bullets. Looking for Horandy A-Max? Check the "Hornady" box on the left, and click "Update Results". 42 results.

Seems pretty quick and easy to drill down to exactly what you're looking for.
I was very accustomed to the old style website and it will take some time to get to that point with the new system but overall I like it. One thing I have noticed that I like the most, is with the old style you had to click on a category and wait for a new page to load before narrowing your results by choosing another category and so on etc. With the new style, drop boxes open allowing you to go much farther in refining your results without having to choose one then wait for a page to load etc.

Although I would still prefer the menu to located top center rather than left.
I am not a huge fan of the new layout. But as an IT guy, I can appreciate the effort that went into trying to improve a web site that has how many different products on it?
However how much I like or dislike the new layout, I won't stop shopping with them. Seems like nearly every week I get some goodies in the mail from them.

The old website was much easier to use via mobile.

Perhaps someday IT guys will realize that if its not broke don't fix it. Midway USA had the best retail website of ANYBODY on the web

IMO "view more" should not exist

posted via tapatalk using android.
I preferred the old layout better. I liked being able to split the results for greater than/less than agiven bullet weight.

I'll still shop there, but I'm not a fan of the new layout.
Liked the old one better here too----I really like Midway----BUT lately I'm finding many things I would normally buy there on Amazon for a lower price AND with free shipping.

Its getting to be a no brainer to check Amazon first.
Nothing but frustration with it since friday afternoon. LOL

Been a loyal Midway customer back when it was free shipping..

Went on the new sight Friday afternoon. Wouldn't recognize my password, ultimately wouldnt recognize my email... Finally got that worked out. Email to customer service.

Went to my wish list to retrieve some items. Gone nada ziltch. OK then..

Spent the next hour plus shopping/setting my order up, pretty sizable amount. Christmas shopping.. Head to checkout a nother set of issues arrise. I finally had enough sent a Email to customer service last night. See what they say tomorrow.

Am planning now to get my items from SMKW,Wiedners,Brownells,and Brass pro.
My computer is old and so am i. The new sight takes forever to load and limits my shopping. Even if you quick jump to sub category, it is really really slow to load.
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