Mike Huckabee is Pro-Second Amendment!

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A Christofascist is someone who would impose a Christian based government on us. Basically they would use the Christian moral code as a compass to create the laws that would govern our country.

Man, this is a new one. Do you really believe this?
You seem to support state-atheism (ala Albania circa 1975) as I have always noticed you're quick to bash any majority or 'non-opressed' religion. Believe it or not, there is a difference between someone being religious and those who seek to impose it upon others. But your definition of 'impose' seems to include any mention of God in a speech, etc.

Look, I too support a separation of church and state, but sometimes you go into flat out religious persecution. Christofascist? And this coming from the same guy that objected when some on this board use the term 'islamofascist' (a term I also dislike).
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