Mike Moore is getting sued!

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The guy probably doesn't have a leg to stand on. He probably signed a release, was thrown a couple of bucks, and now is looking for more. Its not called an "ambush interview" for nothing.
It's not about winning but out of court settlement. It could be a trifling amount as a buy-off.
Michael Moore

It is comments like that one that give us all a bad name with the sheeple. We know you must have meant it in jest, as irony, hyperbole, or sarcastically, riiiiight? But others reading this forum, mining it for nasty garbage to print in the media about whacko gun owners which would tend to propagate the sheeple stereotype of us and therefore fear, would just love to hear us homeboy gang banging redneck gun nuts 'attacking an esteemed reporter of corporate greed' like the esteemed Mr. Moore.

Food for thought, I am not trying to be yer mommy.

naw that would definatly make a great paper to punch, screw PC.
Yup, I agree. I for one am damn tired of trying to be the "Mr. Niceguy" in the Second Amendment debates. Where did it get Tom Selleck on the "Rosie" shoo? I'm not bending over for anybody anymore.
If that bald Irish singing chick can tear up a photo of The Pope on live national TV then I also have the right to use any photogrtaph or likness I wish for target practice.

Just as anyone can use any newspaper they choose to line the bottom of their birdcage.

This, after all, is still America, or what's left of it.

I wish no physical injuries to the #1 Stupid White Guy, M. Moore. But if someone GAVE me some photographs of him I would surely paste them on top of a nice B-27 target. I will not, however, waste any of the ink in my printer to make them.

Just my tuppence.
hmmm well i guess thats good. Im all for someone able to speak what they want. Even if Moore is a bloated anti.....ah we all have heard all the put downs toward him. I dont care for him or his views or his crap movies. but atleast he CAN make them. Even if they do us more damage than good.
Alright i have some ammunition now. he is coming to speak at my campus tomorrow i guess i will have to bring this out in the general public.
Yes, go out and shoot targets that are pictures of your political opponents. Brag about it on the Internet on a forum called The High Road. Tell the world that you like to fantasize killing anyone who stands in your way and that it is your American right to do so. After all, human life is cheap and that of our political opponents is much cheaper. Heck there is no need for anyone here to be mad at Spike Lee for wanting to shoot Chuck Heston in the head with his .44 Bulldog. Everyone stand behind Spike Lee and his opposition to PC and speaking his mind!

Michael Moore is a worthless piece of trash, but he gets to breath the same air as you. If you don't believe that is his right, then you don't believe in the United States Constitution. Couldn't there be more to do in the name of the 2nd Amendment that would go further to preserving and dfending our rights than putting holes in a Michael Moore picture? That is the question I ask myself.
If that bald Irish singing chick can tear up a photo of The Pope on live national TV then I also have the right to use any photogrtaph or likness I wish for target practice.

You do realize that doing that cost Sinead O'Connor her entire career, right? Think about it.
frivilous lawsuit. Bowling for Columbine was awful but Nichols can't sue him just because the movie showed him as a disturbed wack job while he was just being himself. The guy is a nut job.
I for one am damn tired of trying to be the "Mr. Niceguy" in the Second Amendment debates. Where did it get Tom Selleck on the "Rosie" shoo?

Well, let's see. His "Mr Niceguy" stance got him an ongoing career in movies and the respect of the vast majority of the U.S. Pro-gun, (some) anti-gun, and most importantly gun-neutral. He came off as a reasonable guy, who has certain beliefs and just wants to be left alone to do as he pleases. Things the vast majority in the U.S. can sympathize with.

Rosie, on the other hand, lost a contract for a series of National Run commercials, her television show, her magazine, and managed to forever brand the MMM (etc.) as whining, unreasonable harpies.

Tom Selleck's "Mr. Niceguy" in the face of Rosie's harangue did more harm to the anti's cause than ANYTHING that the NRA, GOA, or any of the other vegetable soup organizations have ever accomplished. AND she paid him to appear on her show.

I'm not trying to disrepect you Stevie-Ray. Bog knows I want to tell all the teachers at my son's school, what their pinheaded beliefs are going to accomplish. But the one parent who did that is still reviled as "that gun-totin' @$$hole" .

It's hearts and minds that we need.


<sermon end>
I agree with Zastros, taking the high road works, its hard sometimes when dealing with certian people or ideas, but it does works.

You have the right to shoot holes in anyone's picture, call them names, and stick your hand in the toaster. Just because you have the right to do those things does not make them good ideas, or help us to win.

I am far from perfect, but I try to act cool no matter who or what I have to deal with.

The real problem with shooting at someone's picture is they may think you are crazy, and will go after the real person.
mikeys picture will get over it i'm sure. besides, unless you are advertising that you shot up chubby's pic, should it matter? no one whined when i chopped ossama bin laden and sodamn insanes pic into pieces with a hail of gunfire, whats the dif with mikey......:evil:

anyway, about the suit, couldn't have happend to a nicer guy :neener:
The movie was interesting. Half of it made me want to barf, some of it was thoughtful. Believe it or not, I found the interview with Marilyn Manson insightful....

But he did set up Charlton Heston, and that was just wrong.
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