Milled AK in .308?

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Yeah, I think by ruling out Valmets and Galils, you're pretty much out of options. Dragunovs are milled, but they're not AKs. Saigas, Veprs, and PSLs are AKs, but stamped.
No. And Dragunovs are not milled. Sorry. There aren't as many options in the AK world as there are in the AR world.
Actual Dragunovs (not PSLs renamed for increased marketability) have been banned from importation for over a decade.

Good luck finding one one for sale in any caliber, especially the exceedingly rare .308 versions.
outerlimit said:
I thought the VEPR's used to be milled? Did something change or have they always been stamped receivers?
The VEPRs were based on the RPK which have a thicker stamped steel receiver. Not milled, just 1.6mm thick steel instead of 1.0mm as found in the AKM/AK74/Ak1xx rifles.
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