mini-14 mags?

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When I lived in Kali I solved the problems I experanced with the mini in a PC way by going to the full sized version, the M-1a. Accurate, precise, reliable, in a get it done caliber. I tried M-1s, M-1 carbines, Mini-14s, and the M-1a when living in Kalifornistan (the patriotic and therefore PC homeland defense style rifles) While they all were fun, only the M-1a did it all

....AAAAHHHHHHHHH...My Mini's = Plinkers.....



:D :D :D

Bill Ruger, now deceased, was the anti-gun b*stard who dreamed up the 10-round mag idea.

Bill Ruger said to Tom Brokaw:

"No honest man needs more than ten rounds in any gun."

"I never meant for simple civilians to have my twenty- or thirty-round mags or my folding stock."

"I see nothing wrong with waiting periods."

To Congress he said:
"The best way to address the firepower concern is therefore not to try to outlaw or license many millions of older and perfectly legitimate firearms but to prohibit the possession of high capacity magazines."

I hope the b*stard is burning in hell. The Ruger Co. can go out of business for all I care.
I hope the b*stard is burning in hell. The Ruger Co. can go out of business for all I care.

Okay, that's it....these custom Mini's must go...first person to supply their name/ address and FFL...the carbines are your's...:D

It seems kind of wierd to me that we should boycott the Mini-14 because Bill Ruger is an *sshole (true. I agree his was a big one). But, many of the same people own SKS's or AKs made by complete communists. The b*stards that made my commie Yugo SKS are not any better. Heck, if I boycotted everything concerning anti-freedom people or corporations, there is not many things I could own, TV shows I could watch, or people I could even talk to at my son's baseball games.

The world is full of idiots. Even in the gun industry.
I love how any mention of a Mini 14 on this board brings out the Mini-haters.:rolleyes:

Here's a clue: When the Mine 14 is mentioned, if you hate it, why even read the post?
If you've never owned one, why the need to make nasty comments? :confused: :banghead:

I had my barrel shortened to 16.5", and it's a very handy gun.
At the range that most of us plink, or would need a home defense gun, (25-100 yards) the Mini is more accurate than the Commie guns, and your money stays in America, instead of helping a foreign government. :eek:

But, back to the original question......:rolleyes:

No, unless there is a real change of heart at Ruger, they will only make 20rd LEO mags. (They're not even making 30rd LE mags. :confused: )
The good news is, now you can buy them.
And $32 for a factory-new mag is not bad at all. They're steel, not aluminum like AR mags, so they should outlast you.

I've only got PMI mags now, but wouldn't mind some of those LE 20 rounders when I free up some cash.

Hopefully, somebody will come out with mags of the same quality as PMI in the near future.

If John Masen starts making 20 and 30 round mags again, those will be top-shelf too.
If you've never owned one, why the need to make nasty comments?

After rereading the entire thread, I find my comments about Mini-14s to be the nastyest

The 3 mini 14s, and 1 ranch rifle (all 4 stock) which I have owned were neither precise nor were they accurate. One of the minis was not dependable

I stand by my nasty comments, I have owned FOUR, and I have owned most of the M-1 series of rifles that the mini was copied from as compairsons also. When compaired to the real things, I find the Mini-14 a cheap copy (bad sights, poor trigger, dirty gas system, cast instead of forged parts, not accurate nor precise, really bad aftermarket mags, and one of the four (25%) not dependable. As a 75m truck gun they are fun, but so are SKS's and the SKS has the advantage of being chambered in a caliber more sutible for deer sized game. Remember that all those cheap AKs and SKSs represent us winning the Cold War, and it is US importers that are making the big money, not the countrys of origin.

A stock Mini is a fun 75m truck gun, but I have sold or traded all of mine away, but still have a SKS.

Edited to add: but, I still have a 12 ga Ruger Red Label shotgun, a Ruger heavy barrel stainless .22 LR 77/22 rifle, and a Ruger Mk II target .22 pistol.
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....ahhhhh okay......

...after all that drama, and the nasty Custom Mini's STILL shoot 1 MOA, cheap cast and all.....:D

Not knocking the mini as a gun. I bought one in the 80's and put 4k rounds thru it with no problems or failures.
When it was known that Bill Ruger was not only supporting the 94 ban but also distrusting his fellow American citizens, I was floored.

Its expected from people like Feinstein, but not a firearms company owner.
Thats like getting shot from a brother.

When I found out I took the mini 14 and proceeded to put it in a 20 ton bench shear and mangle the crap out of it and then mailed it to Ruger with a note that said "No honest man needs a Ruger".

Too bad, the mini 14 and 30 are decent shooters.

I know Cali has neutered ar's and some don't know about
Bill's statement.

Now that Bill is gone if Ruger would reproduce hi cap mags and folding stocks I would rethink my position.

After all are we not supporters of the second amendment and enemies of those who are not?

I can own anything I want but my hypocrisy only goes so far.
I stand by my nasty comments, I have owned FOUR, and I have owned most of the M-1 series of rifles that the mini was copied from as compairsons also.
Actually the "Mini 14" was copied from the M14. If you compare the two, you can see the parentage.

When compaired to the real things, I find the Mini-14 a cheap copy
Cheap copy? Well you could say that. My current Mini cost $475 new.
A new M14 costs what....? $1500?

really bad aftermarket mags,
And how is this the fault of the Mini 14, or Ruger? They are "aftermarket" mags.

Remember that all those cheap AKs and SKSs represent us winning the Cold War, and it is US importers that are making the big money, not the countrys of origin.

You're just kidding, right? Where do you think the U.S. importers buy the guns? Trust me, the countries of origin are making a ton of money off the U.S. market.

Bottom line, if the Mini 14 is such junk, why did you buy four?

Anyway, the original poster was asking about mags. If you don't have any helpful information about mags why even post?
Why do you need to trash his gun?
Feedthehogs, I guess I need to destroy every product made in California. Because, the leaders of this sick state are 100% communists. Heck, Iraq has better gun laws than subjects here.

I will need to sell my SKS too. Communists. No movies, TV, certain types of food, clothes, long distance, newspapers, ect..

The product is not the person. Bill Ruger was a moron. His Mini-14 works just fine though.
and I have owned most of the M-1 series of rifles that the mini was copied from as compairsons also.
Actually the "Mini 14" was copied from the M14. If you compare the two, you can see the parentage.
And what rifles were used for the basis for the M-14? (if you compair it to a M-1 Garand, or M-1 Carbine, you can see the parentage.)
When compaired to the real things, I find the Mini-14 a cheap copy
Cheap copy? Well you could say that. My current Mini cost $475 new.A new M14 costs what....? $1500?
I never payed more than $270 for any of the Minis, there is no such thing as a "New M-14" and a Springfield Armory M-1a can be had for ~$1100 (in fact I find the M-1a to be a "less cheap copy" with its cast reciever and lack of selector.
really bad aftermarket mags,
If you cant get good mags for the rifle (the title of this thread) the autoloader is useless

You're just kidding, right? Where do you think the U.S. importers buy the guns? Trust me, the countries of origin are making a ton of money off the U.S. market.
How much did the country of origin spend to make the rifle (and tank and plane), and how much did they sell it for (a loss of $), now compair how much the US Importer bought it for to how much he sells it for(a gain of $)

Bottom line, if the Mini 14 is such junk, why did you buy four?
one got given to me, one I traded for firewood, and I got the other 2 for under $270, and traded or sold them off for ~$350. I was living in Kali and hadent tried a M-1a yet, as I said they are fun 75m truck guns in stock configuration

Anyway, the original poster was asking about mags. If you don't have any helpful information about mags why even post?
If you read thru the entire thread, I am the only poster that identifys a current scorce for H-cap Ruger Mini mags (@$99.95!!!!) What Info have you added about mags? EDITED: to say Im sorry, you did add info on mags.

Why do you need to trash his gun?
I am trashing MY guns. I never tried his gun. Read the thread. EDITED: to say Im sorry, I should have read your post better.
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hasn't this post spiralled into a quagmire

thanks for the info on the mags guys. I think I will wait a few months and see if any new light can be shed on the market

My comment was a specific point backed up by fact not a general rant about destroying everything in California.
What would that accomplish?

I was talking about a specific firearms company related to the original post and the beliefs of the OWNER of that company and his cooperation with anti gun legislators and others who pushed the ban into effect.
His only concern was that his rifle was not banned which would have seriously cost him some MONEY. So he compromised and brought up the magazine capacity limit along with other things.

It was my choice to do what I did with my mini14. I don't expect anyone to do the same thing.
I believe in the Second Amendment without compromise and I am willing to back it with actions that support that belief.

I do not and will not support any industry that sells its wares under the protection of the Second Amendment but works to undermine it at the same time to protect its wallet.

Thats why MY hypocrisy only goes so far.

Ruger will never make hi cap mags as long as they retain Bill's beliefs.
Jr needs to step up to the plate.
Okay, that's it....these custom Mini's must go...first person to supply their name/ address and FFL...the carbines are your's
I took the mini 14 and proceeded to put it in a 20 ton bench shear
I would suggest that you not send them to feedthehogs.:D
Check Cheaper than Dirt.

Just got their catalog today, and they have the following Mini-14 magazines:

10 round - $16.97
20 round - $11.39
30 round - $11.97
40 round - $19.97

Those are definitely good prices, but I don't know if they are factory, or what the quality may be. Just a heads up.
10 round - $16.97
20 round - $11.39
30 round - $11.97
40 round - $19.97

...but I don't know if they are factory

Of course they're factory. The question is, what factory? :).

Except for the 10 rounders, for which the price is appropriate for Eagle or Promag, I suspect they're trying to unload the nasty cheap highcaps that have been on the market for the last 10 years.

I'm going to hold off, and see who starts making new. I've had good luck with the Promag 10 round magazines.
If you buy 10 of the mags from Cheaper than Dirt, you might get two that work.
Most aftermarket mags are junk.

Ruger factory mags can be had from for about $35 each.

If you keep an eye on , I've found PMI 30rd mags for $15 each, and I just bought a PMI 20rd for $25 delivered.
PMI mags are as good as factory.

Also, you can occasionally get good buys at, in the Equipment Exchange area, under Rifle mags.
I've sold some myself there at some good prices.
Hope that helps.
What never ceases to to amaze me about Mini-14 trashers is that most of the faults that can pop up in a Mini that they complain about can be fixed on the cheap.
And they are ones commonly done to other rifles: glass-bedding, trigger job, sight replacement and the occasional need for the barrel to be recrowned.
Then sight radius and ammo quality are never considered either by most that buy Min-14's yet that expect it to shoot like a target rifle.:rolleyes:

I think it would be stupid of me to compare my Mini-14 to my National
Match model M1-A. However the Mini does just as good as my 2 M-4 Sporters and I'm very content with that.:)
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