Mirror-like slide?

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Aug 28, 2007
On another forum I saw where some people took a matte stainless slide and finished it themselves in a high gloss, mirror-like finish. Does anyone know how I can do that myself to a few of my non-carry guns?

I would appreciate any advice. I would really like to do it myself rather than send it out.

My advice would be, Don't!

Mirror polished stainless will show every tiny scratch & ding, and magnify it ten-fold.

Not to mention ruining the re-sale value of your guns.

Not every gun buyer is enamored with pimped-out pistols, and a factory finish will always bring more money then a messed-with one!

I have the Ed Brown Classic Custom that comes with a mirror slide, but I wouldn't do it myself to any of my other stuff.
Thanks to all who have given me great advise. Fantastic job Gixerman 1000!!!
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gunnery, I've done a few mirror slides over the years. I start with about 320 grit paper backed with a wood block that's about four inches long. Lube the paper with a 50/50 mixture of dark cutting oil and kerosene. The mix helps the paper cut smoother and last a lot longer. Switch to 400 and polish out the marks left by the 320 and be sure to clean the slide and block after each grit. Work your way up to 2000 grit, clean everything and finish it off with Flitz on an index card backed by the wood block. The whole process only takes about 30 min. per side and keeps everything nice and doesn't round corners or wash out lettering.

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