mixed brass sorted

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Jul 21, 2006
Middle of AZ

I sort brass for a firearm instructor here in town for ammo$$. I get a mixture of rifle and pistol brass from range pick ups to sort in a big box. This speeds up the sorting process by almost 50%. .45 and .308 stay in the first tray .40 and .38/.357 in the second tray and 9mm .223 in the last. Now I just need something to sort out the damn .380s.
I've made brass sorters for my own use. Don't know about the shellsorter

.45 is the easy one. .40 drops out easily

.40 & 9mm is the worst one.

This is on cases that are nested not stuck.
I built the screen type sorter, but I shoot more 9mm than anything else and grew tired of having to sort out all of the 38 super and .380 by hand so I broke down and built the sorter below. It’s much less stressful to sort brass if you can have a frosty beverage at the same time.

I can't see a the pic & am curious.

The shellsorter demo only shows the 3 cartridges it is sorting. My real world experience is Mixed means Mixed. I built mine when getting several crates & 5 gal buckets of range brass. It was very mixed - Earplugs & plenty of other shooting byproduct beside some not so common rifle brass.

Still the shellsorter looks like a good product at a decent price.
I would write the manufacturer and ask them to make a pan that will sort out the .380 Brass. They seem to be a work in progress since they just added the 9mm pan and I'm sure they are getting more requests than the one you would submit.
That is quite impressive.
Thanks for the link. That is what one of my friends proposed. The way they sorted something by size where he worked. I need to show him the video.
I figure I'd start a cheaper easier way for now. Your way has some advantages.

What I did was easy to fabricate & test, My first one was done out of a heavy paper. It lasted longer than I thought it would. I used as much existing parts as I could find. I'll be on version 3 soon after making a change that will hopefully be an improvement.
Version 1 was paper test & then a plastic duplicate
Version 2 was larger unit
Version 3 will be back to Ver1 size with some modifications that should be an improvement.

I enjoy developing & bulidng this sort of thing. I am using tools & material I have on hand.
I agree it’s more fun to sit and think than just sit. It also helps if you have a lot of “stuff” the counter rotation gears and the Lovejoy coupling were the only two parts I had to buy. I too built a few versions along the way. I am interested in a few photos on what you have come up with.
One of the benefits of sorting by hand is that it gives you (another) chance to inspect the brass.

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