Modified Illinois fanny pack carry legal?

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Jan 5, 2003
Westville, Ill.
I carry fanny pack style here in Illinois, gun unloaded, completely encased but hate the looks and to me it is pretty obvious what it is for. I also carry my "J" frame in a soft case that just fits the inside pocket of a Levi jacket. This way it is almost impossible to see anything, the case being small so the gun just fits and I carry speedloaders in my pocket.
I figure it should be just as legal as the fanny pack since it is obvious it is in a gun "case." From what I have read some LEO's are not up to speed as far as the law and think the ammo must be seperate when in reality it does not.
Coments about this method are welcomed and mabye this will give someone another option they hadn't thought of before. Jim.
The ammo must be out of the gun. I think it'd be far quicker to pop a mag in the semi-auto and rack it than pull a gun case from your pocket, unzip it, open the cylinder, pull a speed loader from your other pocket, and drop the rounds. If you have a loaded revolver in a zipped up case in your pocket you're breaking the law.

As it stands the unloaded gun in a fanny pack is legal to me by the word of the law. People have been hassled and went to court to prove it though so you'll have to weight the benefits of carrying an unloaded gun with the potential problems it could involve. To my knowledge no one has been convicted of anything but thats only worth so much.
I keep it unloaded, it is easy to unzip and remove the gun while leaving the case in the pocket. The speedloaders are in another pocket but also quick to get to. I try to be very aware of what is going on around me and hopefully as the situation unfolds I will allready have the speedloader in hand. I am more of a revolver person and having practiced this move I don't think I am giving up too much to someone with a semi auto. I probably don't have the fastest fanny pack but buy the time I unzip it, pull down the velcroed inner compartment then reach my semi auto I can have my revolver out and ready. Jim.
Get yourself a copy of the law and keep it in your wallet or better yet in "the gun case".

Most law enforcement are ignorant of the law, but then again with the tens of thousands of laws already on the books how can anyone keep track of them all.

If you get caught with it, you are going to be arrested, they are going to take your gun and you better have your lawyers business card on hand, your going to need it.

All this aside I still carry anyway. Just because its the law doesnt make it right.
I found in GA that the pistol must be carried above the waist, and no ankle holsters would be legal. I do not have a problem with that as I use a "Gunny-Sack". The "advantadge?" is that cops automatically ID me as a carrier, and I have been asked for my permit several times. I beleive that "Street Rats" also ID me as a carrier as well, and I am ok with this if it deters them from commiting crimes upom me or my tribe. I know this is off topic, but just had to toss my 2 cents in.
a) How long does it take to remove gun from case, insert magazine, rack slide and get in firing position?
b) Do you think you're going to get a time-out to perform a) when the need arises?
Might as well carry a rock.
Fanny pack carry in Chicago ...

Don't EVEN think about carrying in Chicago, even "legal" it's illlegal..

With that in mind. my S&W 640 is always in my fanny pack, unloaded.

A couple of recent cases where a Bear was caryring a gun (Chicago Bears Football player Tank Johnson) got caught, the case got thrown out. Go figure..
Don't think about carrying a gun on your person in any way shape or manner when off your own property in Illinois unless you are completely prepared to face arrest, confiscation, and a possible Felony conviction.
In my neck of the state most unlawful carrys are reduced to misdemeanors for first offense but the weapon is surrendered and destroyed regardless.
GaryKNM quoted-

"a) How long does it take to remove gun from case, insert magazine, rack slide and get in firing position?
b) Do you think you're going to get a time-out to perform a) when the need arises?
Might as well carry a rock."

Less than 5 to 6 seconds. Most of this is being done while getting to a covered position. Which I have found would be slightly longer to,

A)Realize something is amiss.

B) assess the situation as one that would require ones defense

C) and get to a covered postion to defend onesself.

Fortunately I have only had the oppurtunity to do this at IPDA style shoots and at my private range at home.

As for carrying a rock, only if its an evil black rock.:neener:
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