Molon Labe cane

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Nicely done. You can write "ΔΕΞΑΙ" on the business end.

How do you join the handle like that?
How do you join the handle like that?

3/4 shaft, with glue grooves into 3/4 inch hole in the handle drilled with a 3/4inch paddle bit. wood glue sets and I add a thin screw to secure. ( visible in first picture as I had not hack sawed of the head and filed it smooth yet. also had not given it a light coat of spray satin poly yet.)
Hope this helps.
Hi doc !!! :)

Very nice job. I have been contemplating to do just what you did, so I wouldn't be out of place with my alum. folder when I travel with my son when he is reenacting. You gave me the incentive to do it. I was just looking for the right wood to use. Right now I have a piece of maple to use for the time being.
Good luck with your future projects.

I saw one like this the other day but it was one piece.
The handle was made from a short section of the trunk of a small tree and the cane was the branch. It sort of looked like a hammer with a really long handle. It was store bought so the owner had no idea what type of wood it was.
I've made much the same type of cane with ironwood. The trouble lies in finding an ironwood branch that's straight AND longer than 20 inches. I even used the same handle attachment, though I used Gorilla Glue instead of wood glue.
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