Molon Labe, the book?

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IMO, a VERY good novel.

Of course not everyone likes this kind of novel, but I do and this was a good one. I have read it and re-read it.
I also like the other books I have read that were written under the pen name of Boston T. Party.
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I have to echo the 2 previous posts. Excellent book. I bought 2 copies as a matter of fact,one for me and one to loan out. The loaner copy is pretty well worn out.
Great book. In addition to be very pro-gun, it's really a Libertarian book and explains in depth the Libertarian philosophy. It's very interesting reading and hard to put down.
I read the book. Really enjoyed it. Had my local library order it in for me!! I don't want to spoil the ending for anyone who hasn't read it yet, but for those that did read it, I've often wondered how the story would have ended if the Wyoming Gov. didn't have access to the type of munitions he did.
I enjoyed it ... not as much fun as UC or EF&D, but still a good read.

Aside from the criticisms of tyrannical government, it's second purpose was to take the Free State Project folk to task for choosing New Hampshire over Wyoming. He makes a pretty good case for Wyoming.
Well i would like to start off by saying sorry to the admins, as i got upset (curious) when my post disappeared in this thread, i mean i was being nice and made no bad comments, what gives. Thats when i saw that this was a different thread about Molon Labe then the one i posted in lol. :eek:

Anywho, the book is a good read, here is a link to the other thread for you.

ArmedBear I read it.

You will want to move to Wyoming.

+1 to that, waiting to move untill i have the money to buy a good chunk of land.
from Travis McGee:
Howdy Boston,
I just posted a recap of my road trip around Wyoming over the last week. Sorry I missed you in Casper!
Read that, and thanks!
Fluke storm edged out my trip to Casper for the talk, unfortunately.
Nearly got blown off the road.

Heard good reports from attendees, and you seemed to
have enjoyed your Wyoming tour. Glad you came out!

See you most likely at SHOT 2008?

I'm going to miss the SHOT Show next year. I was living in San Diego and going to the LV shows, and then by coincidence they had it in Orlando when I moved to FL. But no way am I attending it in LV from FL...too far.
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