Molon Labe comic/film

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Nov 7, 2005
San Diego
Most of you know about the graphic novel by Frank Miller named "300" and the film of the same title that is still in production. If not, I suggest you either buy the comic or go down to barnes and noble and read it. It's pretty short. I just bought it and I thought it was incredible.

Only one problem (and this is what makes it VAGUELY gun rights related), they translate "Molon Labe" as "come and get it" and it is used as a general threat, not a response to a command to throw down their spears.

That's disappointing to me because I was hoping to use the movie as a "gunvangelism" tool :) . Hopefully they'll do it right in the movie.
Molon Labe has become the battle cry of gun owners in America, back in 480 BC it was a cry of courage and defiance. The Battle of Thermopylae had nothing to do with the confiscation of weapons, but the courage of a few who stood up to insurmountable odds in order to buy time for their allies.

/flame suit on/
Like TFF has pointed out, WE coopted the phrase. We shouldn't be annoyed with others doing the same.:rolleyes:
Oh I know the battle wasn't about "Spear owners rights". But it WAS about resisting tyranny which is a big part of gun owner's rights. Even if there were no personal connection for me with the story, the true version is just WAY cooler than frank miller's in that one little aspect.

At least he kept my favorite line in there.

"Our arrows will blot out the sun"

"Then we'll fight in the shade."
I watched "Sin City" and thought Frank Miller had as much idea about how to tell a story as my dog. Good pictures but no insight into dramatizing. YMMV

That's why I avoided checking out "300." I have Herodotus and Plutarch. ;)
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