Molon Labe movie

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BryanP said:
Why? One of the biggest belly-laughs I've ever had was listening to G. Gordon Liddy rant about the evils of gays in the military and then immediatelysegueing into a discussion about the wonders of the Spartan society. :evil:

yeah, i hear that a lot too. people always saying how much an example the ancient spartans were, being all macho. ahhaha.

one thing i will say though, if used specifically, it can be used as an anti-gay platform as there was forced, institutionalized homosexual relationships (i.e. pederasty, or even pedophelia) one way, it gives rise to the notion of homosexuality being a choice, rather than something "inherent" was often practiced because it was traditional or ritual or forced because of society norms. in most ogreek society in general, homosexualty was ridiculed, but in cases like the spartans, it was a rite in military. hence, people gay by the fact it was expected of them. odd. no gays get offended, im just throwing it out there.

Oh, here's something funny. A point/counterpoint :)
BryanP said:
One wonders if the 1000+ slaves of said Spartans who weren't given a choice in the matter as to whether they stayed will be depicted?

If Pressfield's book is to be believed, the helots were given a choice. Some even left.


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