More Chicago Anti-Gun Propaganda

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Jun 26, 2008
The Chicago Tribune has never been, in the 25 years that I've been a subscriber, so heavily one-sided on the issue of the 2nd Amendment. If anything, they've always been fairly libertarian about it.

For the past month, it seems like they are on an anti-gun crusade.

What happened? Did New York mayor Michael Bloomberg buy the Chicago Tribune?

They had one pro-rights editorial, which I really appreciated, but everything else has been ultra-critical of the Heller ruling and the 2nd Amendment in general. It seems like anybody that writes an anti-gun letter to the editor gets it published.

But what's really weird is the "crime page" (page 3 of the Metro section). The number of reports of gun-related crimes has more than quadrupled in the past month. There are hundreds of crimes in Chicago every day, but the "gun crimes" get top billing nowadays. The Tribune is "managing" the news to influence public opinion... which is a defining characteristic of propaganda.

Someone with a knife or a hammer could go out and kill a dozen people in Chicago, but it wouldn't find room on the crime page... there are too many stories about some criminal with an illegal firearm killing another criminal or some innocent bystander.

When a newspaper focus on gun crimes to the exclusion of everything else, I can't trust them as honest journalists. The integrity of the Chicago Tribune has gone down the toilet.

Sorry... I'm ranting.
I never paid much attention to it but the issue that came out the day after Heller was shocking.
BikerNut said:
Tribune is "managing" the news to influence public opinion... which is a defining characteristic of propaganda.

Back in the days of William Randolph Hearst, big news outlets could control public opinion with ease. In fact, if you were a politician and a friend of Hearst, you were pretty much in.

These days major news outlets, while still having an influence to a degree, don't have the same power they once did. With the rate at which information moves these days and the scope of the blogsphere (actually being a major news source itself), not much in the way of true "propaganda" gets very far any more.

Maybe write a letter or something, but in general I wouldn't sweat it.

And you wonder why I left Chicago over 16 years ago and moved to Texas? By the way, Texas is officially full up............the rest of you can stay in Chicago.
I wouldn't doubt that the police chief is having the PR department funnel every report of a gun to the press to help back Dailey's crusade against common sense. The press dutifully prints it, because it's got to be good if you're on the mayor's good side, right?
We had a report in the newspaper here, (South Carolina) that a gunman had robbed a convenience store clerk at knifepoint.

"Gun Crime" reporting is part of the election-year cycle, AFAICT.

IOW, every four years, those liberal biases in the press get expressed--as in, every incident involving a questionable use of a firearm gets reported, prominently.

Jim H.
The Tribune Newspaper is not about the news

It's a business after all, like most of our news media... They want to make money, and they feel free to justify their slanting of any particular issue because they in fact DO make money. They are rarely if ever interested in reporting all the facts, the whole story, because it's less sensational that way, and it won't sell as many newspapers or advertising space. the main stream media in this country is so liberally biased they don't even see it.
John Lott reports in his book The Bias Against Guns that defensive gun use gets near-zero coverage in Newspapers including the Chicago Tribune across the United States, even when a child shoots an intruder. However, every case where a child is shot gets overt and multiple article coverage across most main stream media in the USA. In addition, he reports that where there is coverage of defensive gun use, two states, FL and TX, account for 20% of the published news stories.

So the Chicago Tribune is just like any other major metropolitan newspaper. They are so liberally biased they can't see it - and in keeping with the socialist agenda - trying to influence the people that read it to their point of view that guns are bad too. I would guess that Obama reads that paper regularly!
But what's really weird is the "crime page" (page 3 of the Metro section). The number of reports of gun-related crimes has more than quadrupled in the past month. There are hundreds of crimes in Chicago every day, but the "gun crimes" get top billing nowadays. The Tribune is "managing" the news to influence public opinion... which is a defining characteristic of propaganda.

Oh, yes, definitely an orchestrated propoganda campaign. But as mentioned, the traditional major power players like big newspapers and national TV nightly news outlets, have lost a tremendous amount of power over the years, as they are slowly displaced with the internet and cable TV channels. I really believe the internet to a certain extent will save us. The truth cannot be stopped from being spread on the net. I'm sure everyone over the age of 65, who are not wired to the internet for news, will buy into Daley's propoganda machine and vote for his agenda (even the dead ones). But beyond that, the gun banner leftards are losing their power little by little each day. Ahhh, truth. Funny how the internet, which has so much bunk in it, also is the mechanism over the long haul for disseminating truth, in the end.
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