More deaths linked to ATF Fast and Furious

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Geeze - and the hits just keep on a comin'. What an epically tragic scenario of bad judgement both before and after the decision to give this operation the go-ahead. It's a good thing the current administration has a fawning media. Another administration - given the operation and later (current) cover-ups - would be looking at a F-n-F-gate scenario with daily attacks from both sides of the border. and rightly too!
It doesn't happen under ANY administration without serious negative publicity. Most folks don't care about anything till it's on their front door.
CNBC had a congressman on last week who was preparing a contempt of Congress citation for Attorney General Eric Holder and others at the ATF who refuse to answer questions truthfully about Operation Fast and Furious.

At this point, we have to assume to was designed to create a situation where laws could be passed that limit multiple gun sales to individuals; right? If not, what was the original intent and purpose of Fast and Furious?
The ATF & DOJ both need to answer for this. Both need "a house cleaning" and maybe even restructuring. They are governed by their own laws. Seems to me ALL of the three letter government orginizations need to be controlled a little better. This is a sad situation.
Lets see, if Mexico asked it, would we extridite Attorney General Holder for criminal trial?
The White House couldn't cover anything up, this the fault of the ATF over stepping their boundaries. Just look at the great track record through history of "White House Cover Ups". Every cover up failed like Watergate, Iran Contra, or the Bay of Pigs. So I don't think they would cover anything up, but maybe quietly trying to deal with it in house. I know if I was the president I wouldn't want to publicly deal with this either, it looks bad to have these things going on under your nose. Obama regardless of his political views is no fool, I'm sure he is pissed about this in private.
At this point, we have to assume to was designed to create a situation where laws could be passed that limit multiple gun sales to individuals; right? If not, what was the original intent and purpose of Fast and Furious?

One of many gun exportations to various cartels in mexico (this one accidentally got exposed) that are designed to keep mexico's govt at the mercy of them (or possibly the brink of civil war) and keep the public scared so that they can justify a large budget for DHS/Border patrol, probably drone research, etc. and a possible "problem" for a politician to "solve" or use to divert public and media attention away from other real issues.

NPR did an interview with him last week. I missed it, but was listening to the radio today. They apparently didn't ask him a question about this which made at least one listener mad. He sent an e-mail. I might also add that they implied in the precursor of the interview that this fool may not serve as Attorney General even if there is another Obama term in office. We can only hope. Everytime he opens his mouth, I can't find components so I can reload! :banghead::D
Holder's pretty much immune from congress and civil cases while he's still AG......once that fig leaf has been removed (depending on election outcome), he'll be in serious legal and financial quicksand as Brian Terry's family takes the matter thru the courts.
It doesn't happen under ANY administration without serious negative publicity. Most folks don't care about anything till it's on their front door.

Or until the media tells them it's a major story, which in this case, obviously hasn't happened.
This is this administration's Watergate. The Washington establishment has indeed circled the wagons.

I am embarrassed for our country to see fools like these in power. AG Holder and all others involved in the planning and approval of this disaster to be held completely accountable.

Holder specifically needs to be indicted and when convicted sent to Levenworth.

The Mexican's can have him once he's served his sentence.
So I've just copied in a section describing Fast and Furious but I'm not going to copy over all the citations, please feel free to research this for yourselves.

The ATF gunwalking scandal came to national attention in the United States in 2011 after the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives (ATF) ran a series of "gunwalking" sting operations[2][3] between 2006[4] and 2011.[2][5] This was done under the umbrella of Project Gunrunner, a project intended to stem the flow of firearms into Mexico by interdicting straw purchasers and gun traffickers within the United States.[6] "Gunwalking" or "letting guns walk" was a tactic whereby the ATF knowingly allowed thousands of guns to be bought by suspected arms traffickers ("gunrunners") working through straw purchasers on behalf of Mexican drug cartels.[7]

Guess who was president when this all started (hint: NOT Obama), guess who was attorney general (hint: NOT Holder).

Now I really would prefer not to see this team reelected, however if we can't even keep our facts right why would we expect it from the other side? This was started by GWN and his AG Gonzales, lets not kid ourselves that either of the current political parties are on our side. GWB and his AG wouldn't know a constitution if it fell on their head.
" Just look at the great track record through history of "White House Cover Ups". Every cover up failed ..."

But, how would you know if it were successful? :D
This whole F+F thing has gone completely FUBAR. The ATF ought to be tried for contempt and Holder punished for issuing unlawful orders.
I don't think it's OK for Holder to walk on this just because the previous admin did the same things. I think there are enough jail cells in this country for officials from both admins.
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