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Mosin Nagant Safety?

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My wife use to be very, very anti gun. When we got married I had to teach her. I made sure to store all of my guns in the house with no bolts in them and trigger locks on them. I was able to show her that they were as dangerous as a baseball bat. She is now a very proficient shooter and has no issue with the guns in the house. I do still store them the same way and there is piece in the house. Maybe try doing this with your mother. Try to teach her and she might see the true story.
I would add that if a gun is not under your immediate control, unloaded and disassembled with the parts seperated where a burglar would need more than five minutes to locate them, is the way to go. Of course, when my wife and I are home, we have loaded and assembled guns at hand.

The DC gun law made unloaded and disassembled mandatory even under your immediate control in your home, with hand guns banned. If you defended yourself with a loaded, assembled long gun, rifle or shotgun, you were obviously in violation of the DC storage law.

The Mosin Nagant safety has several interlocks that make accidental discharge virtually impossible once engaged. The bolt can be removed and stashed seperate from the gun if you're not going to be at home. Not to say that the Mosin Nagant is a perfect home, farm or ranch rifle, but it does have some points in its favor as a defensive gun. And, on a long walk through the snow at my uncle's, my Mosin was the only rifle whose safety I could safely manipulate in full winter gear wearing gloves proper for the weather.
Yeah, that safety is a plus for cold weather gear, and Heavenlyfire, I will say that my grandmother has been anti for some time, but since grandpa passed away several years ago, me and my Uncle have been talking to her about getting a small handgun for self defence, I convinced her to go into the local gunstore, "Gun Slingers" and talked to the guy there who was very freindly, an ex-cop, who taught her how to hold, cock, open cylinder on a .38 and a .22 revolver. She is not so anti, I have to say that it was the very freindly salesguy who made the difference, I give him the credit.
Hell ya, that is a great start. Sounds like he did everything right to get her over any fears she may have had. Nice job. It may take time though. I bought my wife her 10-22 when we first got married and she fired it this last year for the first time. We have been married 12 years lol. The warranty was gone before she ever put a round through it. As some have said in the past, patience is a virtue. Good luck buddy.
Alright, thanks, I told her she has herself a personal shooting intructor and gun cleaning assisstent, (I like everything to do with guns, cleaning, talking about,) and she is considering it, the place was just nice and calm, and the guy answered all her questions about safety, locks available, ammo types+prices, just everything, it worked just great.
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