Most Gun Owner Friendly/Self Defense Friendly State?

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Sep 12, 2003
I was wondering what the most gun friendly state is?

Here in Oklahoma we have both of our US Senators and all our Congressman with a grade of A or B by the GOA. Our constitution specifically states that the right to bear arms is an individual right. We've got shall issue CCW and make your day laws. The use of deadly force is explicitly listed as legal for defense of self or others by non-law enforcement persons and it is legal to use a firearm to protect your property (though since the Deadly Force statutes don't mention property there is some discussion concerning if the two statutes conflict).

In my 18 years of living in OK I don't remember a single instance reported in the media where someone defending his or her family was even arrested let alone indicted or prosectuted (though I can think of two instances where it was later determined that the shooting was a setup and the DA went after the shooter with a vengeance).

Any states more gun owner friendly than that?
Indiana got a D- from the Bradys.
I'm jealous of my neighbors across the river (Kentucky) who got an F.
What's keeping us from an F? :confused: :evil:
Maine: the big F. Even Vermont only got a D-. :) Of all the F-rated states only Wyoming scores lower than us. We have all F's except for one C and one D. Wyoming is F's across the board. Way to go Wyoming!

- Gabe
Well, Alaska only got a D-, which really irritated me because I think we have earned an F!
Then when I read the expanded version, I realized they had all the information wrong. It looks lik ethey are using information at least ten years old.

Brady Grades vs. crime rates

I'd like to see a comparison between the Brady Grades and crime rates in those states. I'll be we'd see the states given the lowest grades by Brady also have the lowest crime rates! :neener:
Incorrect information indeed.

The Bradys state that Indiana has no requirement for background checks on private sales. This isn't true.

From the ATF summary of state laws:

35-47-2-8. Applications of restrictions of this chapter. The regulation of the sale of handguns imposed by this chapter shall apply equally to an occasional sale, trade, or transfer between individual persons and to retail transactions between dealers and individual persons.

ATF summary of Indiana law

It then lists the restrictions on the sale of handguns (waiting period unless you have a permit, background check, etc). I could be wrong on this, but my interpretation of Indiana law is that I can buy or sell handguns to and from other individual persons, but we have to use a dealer to conduct the records check and hold the gun for the waiting period (if applicable).

If I'm wrong in my reading of the law, please let me know.
Yeah, Wyoming got F's across the board, and the streets are just running with blood. . . . . Not.

Actually, though, based on what I'm seing on this forum, Alaksa probably deserves an F - - , which is good for them.
When California and Massachusetts can only score an A -, that gives you a very good idea of where the Brady Bunch sets their bar for acceptable gun control in the U.S.
I am pissed that Minnesota only received a C+, but with the passing of the MPPA we should get at least a E.:D

In the sniveling catagory, I'm afraid our liberals would get a A+.:mad:
hey! Texas is only a D-!!!!

What a crock...

But seriously, to answer the question...

Generally speaking, most states that aren't New England, Left Coast or Illinois are fairly gun-friendly.

Alaska and Vermont have, I believe, the least restrictive legal environments.

I can only speak for the culture of my native Texas, but I must say, "we love us some guns!"

Maryland is the only state to get a perfect "A".

Maryland also has led the nation for at least six years running in armed robbery. Maryland recently graduate from number three in the nation to number two in the rate of crimes of violence. About ten years ago Maryland was ranked number six in the nation regarding crimes of violence.

These statistics come from the FBI's annual report of crime nationwide.

That is what three decades or more of ever increasing gun control law does for society. Not a pretty picture.

This is considering too that Maryland ranks about number six in the nation in per capita income.
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