Most interesting and complex pair of guns ive seen

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I think these were posted elsewhere but they are beautiful. I'd take them in a heartbeat and just admire them. The craftsmanship is amazing. They are Swiss right?
Wow. As a gun guy, the pistols are useless to me.

But as someone who can truly appreciate fine workmanship, mechanical complexity and ingenuity, etc... they are marvelous.

Thank you so much for sharing those with me.
Cute !

But if you want to see complex look at the guts of the Remington Viper !

Remington,, as in lack of

though that was a nice intermission from my rather poor reality.
that items of such nature even exist is a tribute to some peoples insight and craftsmanship.
thank you.
I think that they are beautiful, but there is such a thing a going too far. It's like having a car you can't drive or a custom bike you can't ride. I can't see anyone handeling these works of art. It would just be a heart breaker to see something like that get dropped or banged up.I think you can get that feel without all those little stones that have to fall off from the concussion of the weapon discharging.
Obviouslly if you didn't shoot it and just displayed it, "which I am sure was the intent" it's just showing off. May as well buy a watch or something you can wear, like an emerald or ruby ring. I know a wealthy gent who has some masculine rings, and watches that are outstanding. Rather than a big piece of jewelry that shoots. Each to their own I guess.Maybe a 3 carat diamond front sight, with emerald and ruby rear novacks.
If you buy them, is there a waiting period and a background check?

If they break, do you call a gunsmith, or a veterinarian?

Are the legal to carry into a place that serves alchohol?
Those aren't primarily guns, they are exquisite works of art in the form of guns; firearms are just the medium the artists' used to express theirselves. They're not primarily guns as nobody would think of actually shooting them.

The same could be said of Michelangelo's sculptures; they're not just marble, marble is simply the medium used in creating the artwork. Same goes for his paintings in the Sistine Chapel; it's not just paint on a ceiling.

Those are awe-inspiring, the pistols a bit moreso.
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