Most irritating behaviors in the field..

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I think I wanted to hunt ranchers instead of elk.
Being raised on the family ranch, I find this statement offensive as hell. Who do you think feeds the elk you hunt year in and year out? Not every rancher is guilty of the sort of behavior you describe. next time I find a gate open on our property, is a crack about "hunting hunters" warranted? A small fraction of group shouldn't be used to judge the whole lot. If that were the case, we wouldn't allow ANY hunting on our ranches because of hunter behaviors in the past(gates open, livestock shot, trespassing, you know it...we've seen it all). Instead, we leaser a big chunk of prime habitat to the state's WALK-IN Areas, and allow most hunters access to other areas of the ranch if they bother to ask. I suggest thinking before making that kind of statement again, because its darned offensive to those of us who have worked the land day in and day out...... And if you want access to private property...BECOME the landowner. Until then don't assume you know how to operate a ranch or what it takes to make one profitable....or how most ranchers do things, based on one conversation with one person. talk about a rush to judgment! Believe me, it grows tiring dealing with those who believe they should have open access to one's land, but want none of the associated problems that come with ownership. How about instead of rushing to judgement, you THANK a rancher for providing food and cover for the animals you hunt....MOST ranchers do this year round, free of charge, without expecting the state to pay for depredation. Just because SOME act the way the warden pointed out DOES NOT mean its universal, and if your aim is to someday access private land, threatening to hunt those who operate it probably won't be the best tactic, nor is insinuating you are somehow entitled access to anther's private property because there's "publicly owned" game on it. How many rancehrs did you offer to work for in exchange for hunting rights? Even those unable to pay to hunt some operations can gain access with a little creativity. Many can't be bothered though...if its not in they have to do NOTHING, and PAY NOTHING for access...they aren't the least bit interested
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THE most irritating thing i have found, is hunting with someone who will just not SHUT UP! talking is fine, AT CAMP. or if you have forgotten where/when to meet back up, or some other important detail. but to continuously run off with the mouth all the way from camp to the stand is uncalled for at best, and can ruin any chance of seeing anything all morning at worse. it is also THE best way to get me NOT to invite you hunting again!
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