How Two People Researching A TV Show Got in a Gunfight (long)

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Airwolf - -

I saw that episode too. I can't remember if it was her partner or the RO, but one of them mentioned that her gun was so dirty, that's why it jammed! A Beretta so dirty it is that possible?!?!?!

What's scary about that though (besides her attitude towards her weapon and skills with it) is the fact that she's out there on the streets, supposedly to Protect and Serve....

Officer Deamer's pistol was tangled up in the air bag and the team's shotgun was stuck in its holder by the front seat. So he got out and put himself between Mr. Castillo and the TV people, holding his fingers as if they were a gun and aiming at the suspect, who continued to demand to be shot.

Bet he takes up carrying a BUG from now on...

Oh, wait - the PRK. Probably against department policy or illegal. Car'll have to do.
No, no, no..............internet gun BB are populated by nothing but expert marksman with years of experience in real firefights.
Yeah, OK, point taken.
But still, I would have drilled the scumbag in the first couple of shots, by God! :D
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