My new revolver :(

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Owen Sparks

May 27, 2007
Last night my brother was in town and asked me to stop by my parents house as he had something to give me. It was a Taurus .44 special with a 4" barrel and square grips. It looks like a S&W model 10 only it holds 5
.44's rather than 6 .38's. He bought it fifteen years ago as a night stand pistol but his wife wanted him to get rid of it because their six year old son might find it (I know, I feel the same way y'all do) Anyway, I told him that he should keep it and when the boy gets a little older he should teach him about gun safety. Then my brother who I conceder a typical average American, said something that shook me up. He said: By the time he grows up guns will be illegal. My brother has been conditioned to believe that in another fifteen or twenty years private ownership of firearms will be made obsolete.
Nice revolver, too bad your brothers' wife feels that way about guns.

I would tell him that he can have it back when he wants it back.
stchman, just noticed your sig. Are you OK then with anti-gun conservatives taking our rights away?

Anyway, back on topic. I would agree with stchman that you should tell him that you're holding it for him. Who knows, maybe his wife will open to the idea at some point, maybe even with the help of you and your brother.

It may not be that he's been conditioned, but rather just lost hope. It's easy to do at times, I know.
stchman, just noticed your sig. Are you OK then with anti-gun conservatives taking our rights away?

am i missing something here?

this is the sig i see under his post.

The 2nd Amendment is worth defending.

Do not let ignorant anti-gun liberals take our rights away.
You didn't miss anything Flyin. I was simply pointing out that the sig line almost implies that "anti-gun" liberals are the only threat. I know multiple moderate conservatives who are very either anti-gun or very strong pro-control minded people.
or the uneducated ones for that matter Flyin. ;) How about don't let ANYONE take them? I think that works best :D
its unfortunate for the kiddo.

i was teaching mine to shoot and safely handle guns when he wasnt much older than that.

something about teaching youngsters to shoot, and letting them live fire, is productive in their learning not to point the dangerous end at anything they like (themselves, family, friends)
Hang onto it, buy your bro a nightstand quick entry safe for Christmas and give it back to him.

I would also inform your brother that they will be illegal with that attitude, and nothing worth fighting for comes easy. I would also remind him he bought the gun to protect himself and the ones he loves. Won't do him much good in your safe........
Owen, did your brother bring up the idea of a small, biometric gun safe for inside the room? This would keep the little one away from the gun as long as they are good with putting it away, and it would give your brother the ability to protect the family if need be. The biggest downside to this is the cost, but what's that one cost when you're protecting your family?
I'm as big a gun guy as you'll find. And I agree with your brother.

American gunowners are a pretty apathetic bunch. While some of us here will have written letters and contributed money to pro-2nd causes, most have not. And let's not forget that the gunowner here at THR is not a representative sampling of the average American gun owner. Most feel "hmm, leave me in peace with my shotgun and I don't care what you do with those guys that want x" X being machineguns. "assault rifles". "high capacity this or that". semi automatic. "big bore high capacity assault revolver" (heh, i just made that last one up on the spot - pretty good, huh?). it's the old "leave me in peace and I don't care what you do to my neighbor" thing.

The next 10 years will be a pretty interesting time for our country.
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