My Son - a Victim of Hoplophobia!

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Jan 10, 2003
I can't freakin' believe it!! Today at my 4 YO son's pre-school (run by Easter Seals, FWIW) is show and tell. Wife let him take his Ghostbusters proton pack - you know, the plastic backpack thingy with the hose coming out the bottom and the doodad at the end of the hose where the imaginary proton beam comes out of to bust ghosts - and they wouldn't let him take it in!!!

They said it looks like a weapon!! An imaginary plastic doodad that doesn't even resemble a firearm or any other conceivable weapon!! It looks more like the portable pack exterminators use!!

Yet they smile and laugh when the kids use blocks and other toys as imaginary guns and pretend to have wars!!:banghead:

If my dear wife didn't need a sanity break two mornings a week, and if my son weren't kind of sweet on a little girl there, I'd yank him out of there loudly and quickly! They've just lost another donor, too. Thank God he's going to Pre-K at a private Catholic school this fall!

Well, he's getting an extra cap gun tonight and as consoling a talk as a 4 YO Ghostbuster can understand.

1) Why is he in preschool?
2) If there is a good reason, why isn't he in HOME preschool?
3) If the good reason is because both parents work are there grandparents?
4) If there are no grandparents then is there another preschool?

Edited later. Yes I realize this is a totally strident reply, and he already answered the questions in his first post, but they are rhetorical questions. I really wonder how it was we as a people have come to accept preschool as being so natural.

The short time my kids had to go to a preschool these were questions I asked myself every day. The only postive thing they got out of the experiance was they learned to swim early. Everything else was negative, like sending them off to a POW camp or something..
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I belive he said one of the main reasons is his wife needs a sanity break twice a week. A notion that I completely agree with by the way. I'm a home Dad and my 4-1/2 year old goes to a preschool twice a week for 2-1/2hrs. 5 hours a week I need dearly.
These PC people are complete MORONS! They'll teach "diversity" and turn around and crucify anyone who shows it. But they don't teach right from wrong or true from false or anything worthwhile.
I thought you learned good from bad by playing "goodguy/badguy". You learn to use your imagination by playing "ghostbuster". Imagination and personal growth is DEAD in education! Repress that little anarchist ghosbuster before it's too late. (ackk - hes got a semi-realistic-futuristic-pseudo-gun!)
Too bad you can't yank him out.
Best of luck to you.... At least he's got a good dad with a head that operates on his head.... he'll be fine.
Thanks for all your thoughts!

Crossing his streams!:) I'm going to use that one!

I'd kinda like to tweak their noses a bit (if my wife will let me!) Wonder how they'd react if he was wearing pro-gun t-shirts? Shall we make a test case? Know where I can find toddler-sized gun related t-shirts?
I wonder what the teachers would think if the kiddies tried to play Boers and British or Russians and Chechens...ought to be more confusing to figure out the PC aspects of that than the 7th Cavalry and Indians.
we used to bring BB guns to school. during break, we go to the field and start firing (at each other ;) ). nobody was hurt, and it was fun. i guess that's not allowed now.
I had a plastic Ghostbusters backpack and one of those ghost trapper box things many years ago when I was a wee little 5 year old. When it broke, I made one out of paper, complete with drawn in lights and paper zapper gun. :D

This PC crap is supposedly designed to make our children more peaceful and provide them a safer place to grow up... what it really does is stifle the imagination, and stunt their understanding of good guys/bad guys and right/wrong, as has been said. :banghead:

I feel so sorry for the kids growing up today... *sigh*
They said it looks like a weapon!! An imaginary plastic doodad that doesn't even resemble a firearm or any other conceivable weapon!! It looks more like the portable pack exterminators use!!

The explanation is really very simple: leftists are moral and intellectual cockroaches.
just because I'm somewhat ignorant (and not a parent) ...
what is preschool? from the sounds of it, I'm glad my parents didn't have me go to one, but I'm kinda curious what it is.
Hey guys. I used to play guns all the time at my after school, with all the blocks and stuff. I was always the Americans, and my friend was the Japanese. Whenever the teacher got suspicious we said we were taking pictures. The fact that the teacehrs bought that for like 3 years still bothers me.

I knew wrong from right. I knew that them telling me how to play was the exact facism that they were trying to save me from.
I think you should go to the principal's office and claim that you son is being discrimiated against on religous grounds. Your family belives in "ghosts" as a religion and that you are insulted that you would be asked to remove your "ceremonial" dress.

If muslims can wear their head gear, etc etc.... so should your son...

:) :) :)

Buy your son a real gun... that will piss everyone off...and make you feel better.
Preschool is voluntary, right? You pay for it directly? You have your choice of which preschool to send him to?

The answer seems clear to me.

"They said it looks like a weapon!!" You must realize that those types will never understand that the weapon is between a person's ears. The object of their fear is only an implement. It's all part of 'hear no evil, see no evil, speak no evil, PC. It's obvious that most of the little liberal mental midgets didn't get the moral of the story. Vent - froth - etc.
I have a 5 year old. I'd have to talk to the head of the school and explain that such behavior on the part of the teacher was inappropriate and that you want to see corrective action taken immediately. You will give a reasonable time for the school to present training for the staff and then you child will be back with the same TOY. If any further problems occur you will withdraw your child from their program, and your finacial support, submit a letter to the editor of the local news papers complaining about their behavior, and send letters to all of your child's classmates' parents complaining about the behavior and identifying alternative schools that have quality programs that don't have this level of ignorance or bias.
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