My wife who doesn't get excited over guns, got excited over a purple P238

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Feb 1, 2014
Western Kentucky

Thread title tells most of the story. We were checking out the new Academy Sports in Clarksville Tn. When my wife spots this little gem in the case. She about lost her mind. I heard "eww purple" which was really "Ooh purple!!" And off she trotted to investigate. I could see her heart sink when she saw the pricetag, and she came back sulking. I then explained that price didn't matter as we aren't tn residents. Lip now bulging and frustrated she made the executive decision to go to the car.

So 2 things here, #1 all these "girly guns" that are pink, white, purple, etc do have a purpose. #2 I need help figuring out if this is the right birthday gift or not. She had a p3at and gave it back to me because the recoil was too heavy for her. What is the comparison on recoil between the p3at and sig 238? Are other companies offering this purple bluing, or is this sig proprietary? Any reviews on durability of finish would be nice too because I don't want her to mar the looks and lose interest.
Want to be husband of the year ?

Get it for her...Now.

It will have very low recoil, cater to her likes and damn if it doesn't say "I bought it just because".

You can buy a woman flowers on her birthday or your anniversary, but when you buy "just because" are Spartacus...
I don't know about purple but I love the 9mm version of this pistol but it does pack a little recoil. I don't like to shoot more than 3 magazines through it at a time but it goes out every time with me to the desert for a little fun.
I know of a few people who have bought those cute guns, but didn't have a clue how to properly use it and had no desire to learn. The purchase was made based on it being a fashion accessory.
It will have less recoil than the P3AT because the P3AT is lighter, but the P238will still be pretty snappy.

That said, I think that since she likes it and if you keep the number of rounds per range trip reasonable there's a good chance she'll be ok with the recoil.
Careful, my wife finally got excited about a gun but I found out later it was just to get me to quit dragging her around shopping for one. She does know how to use it though.

That said, I find no difference between the colored accessorized firearms and the ones with high dollar engraving or commemorative etching. None of that may work for me but it's a personal choice for the owner and no skin off my nose. The point is to enjoy it.

Enjoy it!
I have both, a P3AT and a P238, and the SIG is way more pleasant (and accurate), to shoot. If she likes it I would figure some way (trade/sell something or layaway if available), to get it for her.
My Wife shot both P3AT and P238 and *far* preferred the P238...which is still just on the "too much" side of snappy for her but was do-able according to her.

She got her Glock 42 last week and that gun was the final stop in her journey to find her CCL "Soul Mate" but had it not worked out a P238 was the next purchase. Those little Sigs are very, very nice no matter what color or basic model one chooses.

Very nice guns - you could hardly go wrong buying it for her. It's juts a win/win/win thing even if it does not pan out long term. Worst case scenario she'll have a gun with high resale value to use as a down payment on her next choice if it doesn't work out. Get it for her - she chose it. You know you wanna.... :cool:

Did she handle it? If so, did she like the feel of it?

I recently took a big jump and bought my wife a .380 Walther PPK/S. I say "took a big jump" because it goes completely against the grain for me to make such a purchase without her input.

However, we had been discussing buying her a handgun for quite some time, but hadn't been out to get her to handle/try other guns than the ones that I own.

But she brought the subject up for Christmas...which was too late for me to get something in time for. But, since her birthday is in January, I took a leap and bought her the PPK/S.

I had some things going for me, the largest of which is the fact that my wife is a HUGE James Bond fan. She's the kind of person that even if she didn't like the way the gun felt or shot, she'd absolutely LOVE the fact that she has a gun that Bond carries.

Turned out to be one of the best presents I ever got her...and I was simply amazed at how much time it DIDN'T take for a selfie of her holding her new "Bond gun" to show up on her Facebook page...

Bottom line:

If your wife is showing an interest in this gun to the level you say she is, then make plans to buy it for her. Even if it turns out to be something she later doesn't like, simply the fact that you thought enough to do this will mean something to her.
My wife got a 238 and loves it. She has even gone shooting on her own because she likes it so much. She never did that before. You may have people tell you that due to the 1911 battery of arms that you should get her something else. If that is the one she picks, after looking around, get it for her, not something that you think is better.

I showed my wife that purple one and she had the same reaction as your wife.

Specifically to your questions. The 238's definitely shoot softer than a gun like the LCP/P3AT. As for the the color I would guess that Sig is the only company offering that color. They have a much wider selection of colors than other manufacturers.
Do you handload? Cause a P238 and a nice light load would do wonders for her extra mag or two with defensive loads would then be the complete ticket.
My 238 is the only .380 my wife will shoot anymore. between the weight and the locked breech it's pretty soft. (I imagine a Beretta would be lighter still, but I don't have one)

If she held it, and liked it, odds are very good she would enjoy shooting it. Go for it.
My wife got excited over, and now owns, the P238 with the rainbow finish. When she points out one she likes and says things like I like the way it feels in my hand, I buy it for her.
Her collection is growing faster then mine!!
My wife absolutely hated my P3AT and refused to shoot it after the first magazine, said it hurt. After a good bit of looking around and test firing she bought a P238 and loves it. She even asked me to load a hotter round for her than I started her on because it was boring. Everything was going great until she saw the red framed version with fancy gold engraving...suddenly her normal black one wasn't as cool. Guess it's a girl thing.
You can buy a woman flowers on her birthday or your anniversary, but when you buy "just because" are Spartacus...

This. A million times over. "Just because" flowers/gifts mean a LOT more than expected ones.

That happens to be a really nice gun too. Do it.
Yes it is a girl thing for the most part.
Girls love things that sparkle or are pretty...go figure.

Guys kinda look at it as a tool. Yes there are the wood and steel and the plastic guys but overall it is about the machine.

With women it is about the "pretty" factor. I'm not saying this is all true everywhere. But for the most part, yeah. She will want to show her friends and so on, kinda like a $400 pair of shoes or new jewelry.

If I pulled out my .45 with my name set in it in fancy stones most of my friends would say "You could have bought 3 new pistols a goose gun and a reloading setup for that cash". Men and women do carry for the same self protection factor but women want it to match the scarf they are wearing.
Yes it is a girl thing for the most part.
Girls love things that sparkle or are pretty...go figure.

Guys kinda look at it as a tool. Yes there are the wood and steel and the plastic guys but overall it is about the machine.

With women it is about the "pretty" factor. I'm not saying this is all true everywhere. But for the most part, yeah. She will want to show her friends and so on, kinda like a $400 pair of shoes or new jewelry.

If I pulled out my .45 with my name set in it in fancy stones most of my friends would say "You could have bought 3 new pistols a goose gun and a reloading setup for that cash". Men and women do carry for the same self protection factor but women want it to match the scarf they are wearing.

Yeah, that sure is true for the most part. The difference comes into play with what is pretty, for my Mom it's blued steel and exotic wood stocks. :D
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