N-Frame Leather IWB Holsters?

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May 30, 2010
I picked up a DeSantis Thumb Break Scabbard OWB pancake holster. It is okay and does not have enough forward cant. I found one maker whose OWB holsters have tons of cant, but I want a metal reinforced leather IWB holster too. I have a Sparks VM2 for a semi-auto, but it has almost no cant. Do you know of someone who makes a leather IWB holster with extreme forward cant for N-Frames?
The holster you want from Sparks is the PMK and you can get it with a forward cant, but there is a limit to what they offer. You would have to call them to see if they can accomodate your needs.
I already have a PMK that has the maximum amount of forward cant they will do. I'm going to try the DM Bullard Dual Carry with tuckable straps.

Does anyone have one of these holsters? Can the cant be modified by attaching the loops to different holes?
Might not be exactly the cant you want but you might search for a holster called a CABO.
Don't worry about it JTQ. He does offer an IWB version that looks very nice.
Roy of www.lobogunleather.com made me a IWB for my Ruger GP100 and a OWB for it at the same time. The cant may not be as extreme as you'd like as he told me there was a limited cant he could do with revolvers. I also had Eric Adams make a IWB for my Smith 325 Night Guard .45 but had to take him the gun as he did not have a blue gun for it. The cant on it is perfect but not extreme and for a .45 revolver his holster seems like it's not there. The tooling and fit is superb from Eric. I highly recommend his work.

Here's a pic of Eric's work for the Smith...........



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